Outline VPN - How to use outline VPN | download

Criszy Parry

Should we really consider talking about how to use outline VPN for internet connection… Huh? Alright your silence means constant so here we.

Go where? To dive deep in the ocean of outline VPN so that we can do the discovery of everything that comes with this.

If you are reading this, I assume you already know one or two about this app. And the new wave in the internet ongoing Free VPN games where some came and stay for their respective time of blowing up.

Outline VPN screenshot from Play Store

So how do outline VPN works? the fact that it’s relatively new on space hasn’t allowed the spotlight to shine on it that much. Like the rest of free internet VPN such as Droid VPN, Ha Tunnel Plus and Wire tun.

That’s just on comparison because it’s actually doing its best to claim those heights.

In the free internet industry since it has over a million downloads so far on play store.

As for the matter of iOS device such as iPhone, we’ll address that later in this very article.

I think I have prolonged the intro way too much, but it’s necessary after all. It gives us a head around the main topic being how to connect VPN. And everything else that comes with it as discovered in this article below.

How does outline VPN works?

Outline VPN works just like any normal VPN on internet but it slightly differs from the rest.

Because it has been programmed a bit different from the rest. Obviously you can’t expect different VPNs from different developers to be exactly the same.

As every developer possesses different ways of thinking hence creating difference in creativity.

So what is the exact point like how exactly does it work different from the rest? this is the point here you need to know that outline VPN is way too unique from the fellow VPNs.

Literally all the VPN have talked about so far starting from the interface of the app to the rest.

As shown below because this tells a lot about how it works as we break it down below, so keep reading.

Apart from that the following are the ways are the ways it works.

  1. download it from the Google play store or any APK from any website.
  2. Install it to operate in your device.
  3. open it up to do the necessary settings as follows
  4. You’ll be ask to insert the access key which is the special key design for only you as a particular user. (keep scrolling you I’ll see the heading of outline VPN access and you’ll see how you can easily get your personal access key for your app)
  5. After getting access key for your VPN, you’ll now be allow to enter the rocket of free internet… Meaning the internet with a rocket speed which would also be count on your ISPs policies.

Not just do you get allow to access free internet by access key. But there comes more features with it which are mostly beneficial. To you the users as they leave nothing behind for you to worry about.

As you’re on the internet space field with bad guys (hackers, cyber attackers and many more illegal personnel on space).

Like you literally get lock in one of the safest zone online as soon you get the access key of outline VPN.

I mean think of your hotel room, does anyone else have the keys to your room? Absolutely no you’re the only who have the key for you presented to by the hotel management.

More related information

The same thing applied here you are present with the access key to your internet space.

Just like hotel room where no one else can bother you to worry if they can enter your space and steal your valuables.

Only the hotel management which is especially the manager of the hotel. Can have access to your room in case if emergency.

And this doesn’t stop people from staying hotel since we’re assure that it’s only the management.

Can be able to access our room in case of emergency since they are the ones who are responsible. For the space which is given to you, they happen to have master key.

All I’m trying to say is that you don’t have a single thing to worry about. Because you can simply tell that your privacy protection is all guarantee. Outline VPN works includes valuing the users privacy policy.


Meaning that the developers won’t be just entering into your internet activities. You think about it the outline VPN have over 1,000,000 users.

I mean which developer got the times to go through all the users internet activities like that.

Outline VPN access key

It’s not as heard as you think to get a access key for your outline VPN. There is more than one way that can assist you to get an access key.

In order to operate your outline VPN and unlock all the amazing features of it without paying for it as it’s actually a free VPN tool. You’re going to see everything as you keep reading.

Just to follow up with the previous heading, outline VPN also work hand in hand with users like you and me.

In case you’re experiencing some difficulties on your internet connection with this app.

You can literally reach out to their support team, your problem can easily get solve under 24 hours.

Which is way better than most of the support team I know. Whereby you would have to wait for 72 hours or sometimes week.

So technically the support team of outline VPN is reliable. And this also contribute to the review I have about how outline VPN works.

Outline VPN works with hiding users initial IP address replacing your IP address with a fake IP address.

Which is generate by the service and this great boost your security online. Like your don’t really have to worry about anyone knocking on your door because of the lottery you just won

Interface at the beginning

The one you see above is what you see when you downloaded the outline VPN. They asks you “don’t have a server? (server mean access key) so if you don’t have it they will tell you “create your own at our website”.

More info

Basically you can literally click on the words “our website”. And you’ll be redirect on to the page where you’ll see bunch of things.

Which can be confusing to a beginner like you, I mean I was once a beginner. So, you’d have to just go around trying clicking on bunch of links on the page.

Since it’s not specifically type on any link you get on their website to get redirect by the link on the app.

so what do you do here? simple just skip it and use the next way below because I honestly didn’t find it convenient at all.

It’s a lot hard to even want to get to it bottom line of having access to access key.

That’s the why I’m showing the best way to get access key outside outline VPN website.

Important serious review: In case outline VPN staff is reading this. You guys have to work on your page where you redirects users to get access because it not easy to interpret at all not even the tech pros like us don’t find it easy to get access on your website let alone the average users who have no idea about how anything works concerning tech stuff.

Tech income website opinion

So I recommend you to just create another page which is easier to interpret. Or just specify in the link on top of the page like “CREATE ACCESS KEY HERE”.

In case you guys want to get in touch with us you just use our contact page and I’ll be glad to have a conversation with you.

The best way to get access key for outline VPN.

This is the best way you’ll ever see on internet as far as access key is concerned. So just follow the instructions below accordingly.

  1. Open your google and search for sshstores.net and open it.
  2. Scroll down until you see Shadowsocks Server and then click on word “create account”. And you’ll be taken to the next page.
  3. On that next page you’ll see “create Shadowsocks account servers all region for free”. Meaning that it doesn’t matter where you in the world because it’s all 100% free to all the users. So, you will have to scroll a little bit down and you’ll see servers from different countries in the world. Whereby you’ll be allow to choose the server of your choice from the country of your choice. From the available countries servers on the page.
  4. After choosing the server by clicking on create account you’ll be taken the actual page. Where you’ll be ask to prove that you’re not a robot. And after that you can click on words “generate now”. Meaning you get to get generate you access key to use on your outline VPN.
  5. The next page you’ll be taken is the last page which will show you that you successful created you own access key. And you will now need to copy it to clipboard.
  6. Finally come back and open your outline VPN and the one you just copied from the website will automatically be pasted on the app and you’ll just have to click on add server to get connected successful and enjoy your free internet freedom with outline VPN. It’s just as simple as that.

Outline VPN server

The tech meaning of the servers as far as outline VPN is concern, it simply means what we just got done talking about, which is access key.

As you have seen above where access key was refer to server so it just another the way around.

But just to keep on your side of understanding I’ll be glad to tell you a little more. About what you think about the outline VPN server.

Basically as you see bunch of servers on which works really well on free internet app such as WIRE TUN VPN.

It’s relatively the same on outline VPN but the only difference is that we don’t get to choose the servers on the app.

But instead we get to choose the server from the website where we create access key.

In depth of servers

As you you are know the website I personally consider to be the best in providing the convenient access key is sshstores.net.

In the process of creating your access key you’ll come across the page that gives you options of servers from different countries to choose from.

And the servers you find on the the list or on page and serves from the following countries their number of the servers;

Outline VPN server list

  1. Singapore – 8 servers
  2. Australia (Sydney) – 2 servers
  3. Japan – 2 servers
  4. United States – 4 servers
  5. Germany – 2 servers
  6. United kingdom (London) – 2 servers
  7. Canada – 2 servers
  8. Netherlands – 2 servers
  9. Indonesia – 2 servers
  10. India – 2 server
  11. France – 2 servers
  12. Hong Kong – 2 servers
  13. Africa (South Africa) – 2 servers

So above are the servers are the available working servers of outline if you are to get the access key from the sshstores.net.

And it’s doesn’t really matter which one of these servers you choose to use because they work equally the same according to my experience but you can still go for the server of the country if your country.

Even though the sshstores.net advise users to choose the server of the country near you country I don’t agree with that because I have tried all of these available servers and I could find out any difference in there operation starting from the one far to near my country.

Also read: why stark VPN is the best free VPN alternative in 2023

Reminder: we’re almost to the end of the article. As for now we’re remain with online the things to discovered before concluding this article and these are the ones, firstly is how do I use outline VPN on my computer, secondly is outline VPN for iOS and finally why is my outline VPN not working?

How do I use outline VPN on my computer?

This is like a a common question I always get from the PC users who are interesting in using outline VPN in the computer since it works very well on the mobile phone.

The answer is simple you just go on outline VPN website through this link ≥>>>> Download and you’ll see the space where everything meaning every device links to download outline VPN.

When I say every device I mean literally all devices that are operating today such as Android v 1.7.0, iOS v 1.7.2, Windows v 1.7.1, Linux v 1.7.0, MacOS v 1.5.0, Chrome OS v 1.7.0 as you can see in the screenshot below.

After downloading it from there you’ll now need to go through the very same procedure I provided above to get yourself a access key and from there you’ll be good to enjoy your internet freedom with the help of outline.

Outline VPN For iOS

For the iOS devices such a iPhone, you’re just as good as any other device users like android is probably known to be the most users of outline VPN.

Meaning that you’re download outline VPN probably on your app store and just follow the provided instructions to get your own access key on sshstore.net and just like that you should be good to enjoy stable internet connection.

It just as simple as that huh? yes of course that is all involved in getting to used outline VPN on your iOS device so your first step is to get the outline VPN “Here >>>>> Download

Like I said there is no any other special formalities need to use outline VPN on your iOS, Windows, MacOS, Linux, Android, Chrome. 

This a screenshot from outline VPN official website. It shows that you can download and use outline VPN on any device.

The procedures are all the same no matter whichever the device your using as shown above.

Why is my outline VPN not working?

This like the most question I get almost everyday from the outline VPN who are probably new users on the app.

So, here I came to answer it for all of you and hope you take information to answer whichever disconnection you’re experiencing with outline VPN.

There are likely two (3) reasons why your outline VPN is not working.

First reason is when your outline VPN app is a outdated version.

Second reason why your outline VPN is probably debugged because you have been using for a long long.

Third and final reason why your outline VPN is not working is probably because you’re access key is expired… Remember I mentioned this above on the mid top of this article and promise to explain it below. So here we go…

The one you have created or you’ll create on the sshstores.net is not a permanent access key, huh? yes you heard it right because that access key is always valid for 7days and after 7days it gets expired and stop working eventually.

Solutions to disconnection on outline VPN

let’s start with the solution to the first problem which is your outline being outdated. So the solution to that is very simple, all you need to do is to go online your app store or play store and update the outline VPN.

The solution to the second problem which is your outline VPN being filled with bugs. Is also very simple.

All you have to do is to go on your phone settings, click on app management, choose outline VPN and click on force stop then proceed to clear the cache.

Third and the final solution for the problem of your access key getting expired is also as simple as drinking water.

So, all you have to do is to go back on sshstores.net and the generate another access key by following the very same procedures shown above.

It will definitely be okay by following the above solutions. Just like that you’re now back in control and you can literally enough your free internet freedom once again.

In conclusion

As all said above, the following are the are procedures you got to follow in order to get free internet freedom with the help of outline VPN.

In case you didn’t go through it all then the following are the things were have covered in this article.

How does outline VPN works
Is outline VPN free?
Outline VPN access key
Outline VPN server list
How do I use outline VPN on my computer
outline VPN for iOS
Why is my outline VPN not working.
Just like that you’ve got the idea of what we have covered.

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