SNI host list - How to get SNI host worldwide

Criszy Parry

Okay, here we’re, so let’s agree that we all know how important this SNI host list is to all of us who want to have internet access for free.

Another one is that we all know that the SNI host is very important for the matter of free time as it plays literally the biggest role in acquiring free internet to successfully run on our devices.

I can’t even wrap my head around how it would be for the free internet industry with the assistance of SNI host list from different platforms that are dedicated to or regularly discussing about how the low working class can be saved from extra bills on the internet on top of living expenses.

Small intro in to our list of SNI hosts

Life can be a little more frustrating if there was absolutely no other way around we could go about free internet.

So, basically, this is one of the main reasons why I decided to start a platform to help people who are in the state I used to be in.

Dealing with internet headache which can’t be cooled down by any doctor’s recommendation of medicine, since this is a technical issue. 

I had to make my way into the Tech World which helped me to understand every single piece of information that I stamped on and we used any relevant information to resolve our readers and viewers on our new YouTube channel TECHY INCOME.

If you happen to have read the author’s page, you will know that it’s a passion for good deeds that drove the opening of this platform, which we don’t really regard as just another random website on Google.

Because it took a lot of dedication to make it out there and we’ll always open to have new members in our family, so please join us on all available platforms like Telegram and YouTube.

Now, back to talk about the main reason why we’re all here today. SNI host like, it will comprised to variety of topics which are related to this main topic as you can see below.

What is SNI host?

SNI host is a zero-rated website domain that serves free internet purposely for health and educational services access online globally.

That’s the brief and precise, understandable way I can define the SNI host. So, before we go to disclosing the SNI host list, we have a couple of things to talk about which greatly contribute to your everyday free internet which you’ll be be obtaining in a few minutes.

Someone may be thinking what exactly health and education have to do with our SNI host, which we only need to access the free internet? 

So the fact is that the free we’re so desperate to get is only accessible because of this very same health and education. 

Meaning that, all SNI hosts are never commercial, so they allow you to access the internet for free because they’re provided by public workers.

Such as governments, non-governmental organizations and international organizations, which we’re going to look into as we keep reading.

So, this simply means that all these public sectors set up their websites just like our website, but they register these websites as zero-rated websites to their respective state’s ISPs.

And in the case of international organizations which provide international SNI hosts, they register as worldwide zero-rated websites, of which we’ll show you some in this SNI host list article.

Because the list will surely cover a lot of hosts for different countries, different networks and international SNI host lists too (international SNI hosts work for everyone, regardless of where you’re on earth, unless they have been blocked by your state’s ISPs).

SNI host name list

This goes as simple as any other name list you have ever come around. Just like the menu list in restaurants or in a cafeteria where you’re provided with a lot of options.

So you get to choose what you like. It is the very same thing as our SNI host list, you’re the one to choose for yourself.

In addition, the SNI host name list will be categorized and sorted in a navigational form for all our readers to easily find out what they want, whether the new or old host you can remember from seeing.

So let’s make a demo of the list here…

It will be just like, for example, the international host includes (In this case you can use the given host from our SNI host list to help obtain some free internet in case your state’s ISPs haven’t blocked it).

SNI host

SNI stands for Server Name Indication, which is the initial domain name. And its extension is TLS, which stands for Transport Layer Security. 

This is what we use in free internet tricks as a value when it’s a zero-rated website domain name and, just like that, we’re able to access the internet for free with the help of these domains.

Wait, isn’t this what I have already discovered above there? Yes, I guess we don’t have to repeat none of this anymore, so we’ll consider moving forward.

Free SNI host list

Alright, you really need to know what we really have on our SNI host list so bad. I just want to make everything make sense as long it’s related to anything we’re talking about in this very SNI host list article we’re writing today.

There are tons of questions that need answers on the internet.

We’ll try to answer as many as possible with the help of my team (undercover Techy Income content writer). 

We always work in hand to cooperate and make a huge difference and impact on our online community, which is you and everyone else who’s reading this today and in the future. 

Because we’re dedicated to doing what we do best, we have to do what it takes to be in a position where we are highly recognized and our information can be valuable to someone somewhere in the world.

And that’s the motive we live in and a driving force that keeps us going harder and harder every single time we try to be the answer to people on certain topic as a part of the life we live for.

Oh no, we literally just went to talk about our professionalism for like 3 – 4 paragraphs consecutively. I guess that wasn’t that bad, so let’s get back to the SNI host list matter, we still have a thing to discover.

SNI host finder

SNI host finder is technically a software that assist people to have access to a certain kind of host according to their selection of basic information they feed the site for. 

Well, I understand that not most of us know what I’m trying to say. So I’ll break it down real easily for all of us.

So we said SNI host finder can help to get a SNI host list that’s likely to work for you and your entire country, because when they show you an available host, it’s always a list of SNI hosts which are categorized country by country.

For instance, let’s say you’re in the United States of America and you need the SNI host list that works in the United States.

The reason being that you’re provided with more than one option to choose from, so you can be assured of a free internet ticket regardless of where you are and the local network you’re using.

This means that the more the options of host you get the higher the chances of free internet for a long run you get.

Why do I say “chance”? I said chance because the internet and literally everything nowadays has become unpredictable.

I believe that most of you people who are reading this right now have experienced disconnections as a result of host blockage.

Explanation of SNI host finder

Yes, that’s right! The SNI host list, not just list but lists, has been victimized by blockage, but many local ISPs in their respective countries, when they found out that they were losing customers.

Paid every single time to access the internet as they embarked on a journey to the free internet with the help from tons of small YouTube channel which has a little knowledge of how this free internet thing works.

And that’s the fact you all should know by now, that YouTube channels have really paved a way for free internet growth in various countries.

Which I believe to be about globally now, because I remember when I was once having young and successful channel 3 – 4k subscribers.

It was grabbing some crazy numbers of about 550,000 views on free internet videos from almost 85 countries around the world. 

Taking about YouTube channel contribution to the success and spreed of free internet worldwide.

It would be humble to give credit to some of the really great free internet YouTube channels.

Which I recommend for all of you to check out and they’ll really help you to get as much knowledge and possibility about free internet in your daily life.

Here is the list of free internet YouTube channels you should check out.

1. Kiberu Data (Uganda) – 37k subscribers

This awesome channel is making videos worldwide with the owner’s passion and deep research for free internet.

He greatly helps a lot of people and saves them from data expenses, mostly in African countries.

While most people don’t really have that much of income coming every day and you have bills to pay off for basic needs, let alone the data subscription.

That’s not all if you’re reading this. Kiberu Data has accumulated over 1,660,000 views on YouTube, which makes it global and it still grabs thousands of views every single day.

So make sure to check it out here:

2. Blair Tech 256 (Uganda) – 16k subscribers

Blair Tech is the second best dedicated free internet YouTube channel after Kiberu Data.

It’s basically valuable for everyone around the world because of the internet trick. The post and usually ones that work worldwide.

Although Blair Tech has really been into a lot of technology stuff, meaning their channel posts random Tech related videos, not only free internet videos. They still make a big contribution to a free internet world today.

I would like to recommend Blair Tech 256 channel to you if you are that type of guy who is really into the tech world, whether you’re a beginner or a pro.

I guarantee you’ll find something interesting and valuable to your tech journey in terms of the ideas published in the videos and maybe do a collaboration with them which will depend on how you communicate with them.

So take some time of your day to see them out here:  (channel taken down and under review now)

3. Techy Income (our new YouTube channel – worldwide)

Techy Income was created not too long ago which we purposely dedicated to occupy the gap that our absence left for our viewers on YouTube, who were 

because we know people who also run back whenever they face any disconnection or whenever they need anything concerning the free internet like the SNI host list, as we never charge any of our audiences. 

Our service is for free and will always be free hopefully.

What are the benefits of subscribing to TECHY INCOME???

Well, we talked about the free internet (the best tip of trick of free internet), we talked about online money making (the legit online money) and many other tech-related videos.

So make sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel and stay in touch with us even on telegram.

How to get the SNI host finder.

You’ll get an SNI host list for tons of SNI host lists on only one APK online. And that APK is called APK. 

I know you must have heard of something like this before. Maybe you have ever tried and it didn’t work out to your expectations. But let me tell you something.

I tried this APK website by myself a few months ago but I couldn’t find a stable host I was looking for.

So, I took deep research on every possible way to get one online from any available source, so I got myself one which I one month later shared with my audiences on YouTube before our YouTube got deleted.


So what’s the first of recommending this? The point is that it’s working a lot better now because tons of people all around the world have always been hitting developers on. So, they took time to find out the errors and correct them. 

Basically the point is that the APK is updated and they keep on updating it, which means they frequently add SNI host list when they tested and verified that a certain SNI host able to provide free internet.

These are procedures to follow on the APK if this is your first time dealing with

1. Open the APK

2. Click on to find SNI 

3. Choose your country

4. choose any host of your choice from the provided SNI host list

4. complete the captcha (I’m not a robot)

5. copy your host address to your clipboard 

6. Insert/paste it into any tunnelling app you’re using and enjoy the free internet.

Also read: How to setup open tunnel VPN for free internet in 2023

SNI hostname for ha tunnel plus

The SNI host list for ha tunnel plus is more like any other SNI host name just to clear up the confusion. There is a lot of people in my inbox, email asking these kinds of questions. 

I was trying so hard to understand what these people mean by I have a TLS SNI host, but I also need you to help me with ha tunnel plus SNI host.

I thought about this for awhile, then I understood that these people probably don’t know the logic of these online hosts and I explained to them in the best possible way I could.

So my point is that you can literally use any working SNI host for any available tunnelling app on the internet and that’s the fact. 

So if you’re looking for a host of ha tunnel plus and also looking for a host of Open tunnel or TLS tunnel, then.

Allow me to tell you that you only need a good working host to operate and use all these tunnelling VPN apps.

So, that’s the little I wanted to add on as you keep reading. Below you’ll see several SNI hosts on our SNI host list.

Meaning that all the hosts you see can use any on any tunnelling app.

SNI host list

Uganda: Airtel: SNI: (this can be used as a Custom SNI on port 443 or even a custom Host header)
MTN: SNI: or reverse proxy it to get similar hosts (i.e on port 443

Zimbabwe: NetOne:

South Africa:


Telkom and telecom:


SNI host list for all networks in south Africa:

MTN >>> best on V2ray.

Airtel >>>

SNI host list of all Nigerian networks (international host)


We landline (unlimited host) >>>

Vodafone >>>









Trinidad and Tobago (Digicel)


Ortel payload only

Aldi talk payload only

United kingdom:

New Zealand

In conclusion

There is a variety of SNI hosts that works for different countries around the world, working with different ISPs on local networks.

As shown above, you can simply pick the one that you prefer, the one which works in your country and your specific network.

As stated, we’ll keep updating this list as the time goes, so you can check here anytime to see if there is more for your country and your network.

In case you have queries regarding this article, you may leave your comments below or reach out to us on Telegram, we’ll be glad to assist you.

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