How to create a Paypal account in Uganda (recieves, send and withdraw)

Criszy Parry
As many Ugandans are making their way into online transaction activities, Paypal remain the world's popular online transaction method. So, this got a lot of people in Uganda searching for a way to get a Paypal account that's is able to send and receive and also with with in a different local form.

You maybe be thinking why is this even a big deal when you can just download a Paypal app on google play store or app store and then start using. That's right you could simply do that but not when you're in Uganda. It's different in Uganda, you have idea why then I could disturbing your mind a bit but we're going to clear it all up.

In order to understand this leading online transaction platform called PayPal, we'll have to start from the basic of PayPal. Meaning that we need to know what Paypal is exactly and why is it hard for people in Uganda to create one and effectively use it like those in United States of America.

What's Paypal?

This shouldn't be a question to talk about, but the fact that this is about Uganda makes it a highly valuable to know. Because only that way, you'll be able to understand what you're doing with PayPal you wants for your online transaction.

Paypal is American owned online transaction platform which enable sending and receiving money easier compare to a traditional method that requires the use of bank notes at the bank premises.

It's multi billions dollars financial technology platform that moves money from on place to another at your fingertips. This company was founded in 1998 hence existing for 2 decades now with over 30,000 employees making sure that users' are safe while be transferred or kept.

Paypal works in over 200 countries around the world and that means Uganda can be one of them regardless the limitations that are involves. But in this article, we'll learn what are these limitations and how to overcome them.

What are limitations of PayPal in Uganda?

Paypal in Uganda is set to spend and send money which is quite strange. I mean where are users' going to get that money to spend and send from? So, according to the logic of PayPal in this case, is that if you're in Uganda you'll only get a Paypal and then connected it with your credit card in order to start making payments online.

That's all good, but how about those who don't want to spend using Paypal, those who want to use PayPal for recieving money?! This the real important question here and we're going to answer that below. 

I made a research about how we can start recieving money on Paypal in Uganda instead of just sending spend money on it. I found a way of doing that which is very exciting, because not everyone wants Paypal to spend. 

In fact, due to the rise of many people getting involved into online money making in Uganda has made many people to wants Paypal for recieving money. I myself didn't want Paypal to spend money on anything online because I could easily used my credit card for that.

The reason for looking for PayPal is to recieve money online from different methods of making money online. So, if you're into online money making too in Uganda then you in a right to show you the way to start recieving you fund today.

So, the next heading below will be showing you how to overcome this limitations of not recieving money on Paypal. Because we're going to be creating an account that does everything including sending, recieving and withdrawing.

How to overcome limitations of PayPal in Uganda?

This is the interesting part and it's easier than you thinks. So, basically there is only one and only solution to whatever the problem users in Uganda are facing with PayPal. 

Problems such as limitations of PayPal service like keeping regular users to one side of the platform which is only spending/sending and not recieving is handle by changing you account preference.

What does that mean? It simply means that if you experiencing being subjected to on spend/send money on Paypal and allow to receive some money on Paypal then you're using a personal account which you need to change to a business account in order to start recieving money on you Paypal. The procedures are given below.

How to create a Paypal that sends, recieves and withdraws money in Uganda?

If that's all you want then don't worry, we got you covered. Below are the step you need to take in order to have you Paypal account setup legally today and start all types of transactions.

1. Open your browser and search for (use this link to business Paypal page)

2. You'll be at the home page of the PayPal website so click on "open a business account"
3. You're see the space to insert your your email address. So, put in your email address.

4. You'll have to create an you password after putting your email.
5. After clicking on continue, you'll be asked to put in business details. This part may confused you but it's simple, it doesn't matter if you have a business. You can just put your name there or any other random name the blank spaces given. From you'll proceed to fill in the rest like address, number and so on as shown below...

Second part
from there you'll see "agree and continue"

6. After clicking on agree and continue, you'll be ask to describe you business. So, go ahead and choose individual/proprietorship.

Next part to write your product or keyword, in case you don't know what that means then it's simple, just write any product or service. Examples? Like Internet services, fitness courses, leather jacket, glasses... And many more, you don't have to own a business with that though, just write so in order to get a working Paypal account. But the part of websites is optional, if you don't have a website then it's okay, just skip it.
7. There you'll be ask for your you birthday, so just fill it up and you should keep your nationality as Uganda. Then don't forget to tick the small box which says "same as business address"  So after there you'll see summit. 
8. You're see a message in your email inbox tell you that your PayPal account has been set up.

9. The last part is to login with the information you put earlier which is your email address and password and everything should be done from there. And exciting you should be able to have your very own PayPal account that sends, recieves and withdraws.

It's that simple, you can now make you on transaction easier with no hassle or whatsoever. 

In conclusion

It's absolutely possible to create a Paypal account that sends, recieves and withdraws which at the same, you can also link to you credit card in Uganda. I guarantee you'll get your PayPal account ready to recieves today if you follow the given procedures as you. As you can see it's nothing hard all at, so try it out tell me if it works in the comments section below.

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