Snap VPN - Secure VPN proxy download and review

Criszy Parry

You have heard it right, we’re going to speak some fact about Snap VPN. It’s not a secret to those who knows what snap does on daily basis, started way back in 2016 up to date.

I had a lot of fun doing all research about everything that is shared with you in this article review and I hope you’ll have fun too reading it.

Snap VPN

Before we start disclosing functionality that nobody is talking about regrading Snappy baby.

I mean Snap VPN, it’s sounds good isn’t it?! Of course yes, way to familiar to your favorite app Snapchat. Oh sorry I thought you’re a teenager obsessed with a Snapchat.

I mean come on, The name is so familiar and you can’t tell me that you have never took pic with a Snapchat before.

At least your child or young siblings does. Alright Snapchat familiarity said. Let’s get back to our mean topic of the app.

As I already told you above that it was fun making a deepest dive into this sassy app. LoL I’m literally saying a lot, excuse me, I just want to make sure you’re having great time.

With me reading this Snap VPN article and would be my pleasure. To connect with you in the comments section below later.

Allow me to give you a quick intro and overview about Snap VPN.

Intro about Snap VPN

This is a follow up… It initially came with some strong force which allowed it breakthrough in the competitive industry of free VPN and VPN in general.

I remember coming around this VPN back in 2018, but I never knew that it could be this big today. Gaining and serving millions of users are the globe a and people are really loving it.

Just to get the fact about the app straight, this app released on 19th March 2016. Making it one the OGs in the VPN industry where most of the popping and steady popular VPNs are relatively new.

Such as VPN super unlimited proxy which just came into the industry in 2020. And already having one of the highest influence in the industry for the young VPN like it.

Snap VPN eventually earned users’ trusted as time goes on. And that’s why its success tell a different history from the success of other VPNs.

It starts in the position that people thought it wouldn’t makes it far in the industry.

Overview about Snap VPN

And the app developers took that personal and went ahead to improve everything.

Every single thing on the app starting from the design and the functioning of the app.

Hence pushing it to the top and started chilling with a big boys of the industry.

It has come a long way through doing a update of their services frequently than I any other VPN has studied.

This is conduct purposely in order to meet the users needs regarding the VPN.

All the changes made on regular on the app are mostly influences by users experience.

Users reviews of what the what to see and what don’t don’t want to see on the app.

This means that the support team of Snap VPN is very active and supportive to the users.

As they are always available 24/7 day in and day out and narrating from their attendance to users comments.

In complains out of 600,000+ review they attended almost every single one of them.

And this acts as a transparent proof of how good the support team of this VPN is. Their quick response act as assurance to the users.

That their concerns issues could be solve as soon as possible. As long as you bring your issues to the table of the support team. Your case is automatically forwards users case to team of developers.

What is Snap VPN?

Snap VPN is a fast and speed VPN that provides unlimited secured connection with a fully encrypted privacy protection.

It was allow users to be to have access to all the content online including the geo-restrictions restrict contents.

Like it doesn’t really matter if you’re outside the country if your favorite content. Like a movie or series being only for streaming platforms of only selective countries.

As mentioned above in the definition that Snap VPN also do prioritize users privacy protection on the highest level.

Where users privacy take the lead and the rest follow. It’s very important for users to be assure of their privacy protection.

When that is met by a VPN, it’s definitely attracts more users to the app.

That’s why you can see how Snap VPN gained users users overtime. Bringing it to the peak of over 10,000,000 around the world today.

This was achieve through the hard work by working on the the users interest. To build a trusted brand, having in their minds that how they operate the app defines the app hence the above definition.

What app is, is what it does and what it achieved through what it does. Yes, I hope that makes sense, you should read that sentence again and it will definitely makes sense.

taking about what app does and what app achieved I’ll have to mention what Snap VPN have achieved so far.

I will then mention what it does later on which you should be knowing already by now. And perhaps explain them a little or much as clearer as possible.

Also read: Is the vpnify the best best on the internet for everyone

Achievement of snap VPN.

It gained over 10,000,000 downloads

Achieved over 4stars rating

It has made a fortune (estimated around 2 millions dollars)

It has built a successful brand prominently

We’re just going to wrapped up the achievement. We’ll go one take instead of of explaining all these things one by one.

All these achievement works hand in hand as usual said. Somethings must work hand in order to achieve a better results.

Referring to what stated above, we taking couple by couple whereby 10,000,000 downloads and over 4 stars rating complement each other.

Millions or hundreds thousands of people started downloading Snap VPN. When they see that it was actually rate well meaning that the people are really enjoying it.

And the sample going to rating people started to give there thoughts about the app. Because more people are giving reviews about the app.

It all took something time before snap hit the jackpot and let’s called it spotlight. Reaching such heights never come by luck especially in a competitive field.

As this of VPN so it took whole a lot of investment and hard work. Just to improve a whole a lot of stuff in order to achieved their set targets.

With with this kind of results, there is no doubts against the further growth, of Snap VPN to even a greater ranking in the VPN industry. Numbers speak for themselves and stars attracts themselves.

Like don’t be surprise of soon see this VPN with 4.5 star rating. And anytime numbers would gradually change from their current state of 10,000,000+ to 20,000,000+.

There’s no specific time, it’s all based on prediction construct from the performance.

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In achievement, we also have earning a fortune and building a successful prominent brand on the internet.

On the same formula to a massive success, these two also work hand in hand leading to their respective positions.

And in this case the end results of fortune is literally a byproduct of building a successful brand.

Because the success of the brand, determine the fortune of the brand. Everybody knows this and that’s exactly what’s Snap VPN did.

It first focus on making the brand standout on the internet because accumulating the fortune.

Isn’t what every tech developer want? To see their work having the highest ROI (returns on investment)? Yes, of course because everything involved in programming the app is counts as an investment.

Including sleepless nights, early morning and all the time spent on. Even the money that goes in learning to perfect weak areas. And the finally money spent on marketing, promoting the app to a larger audience.

Like getting it in front of millions people attention is not showing them once. Then think that they’ll all come through to checkout you app.

No that’s not how it works and that’s why it’s call investment. Snap VPN did all then and it finally pays off with time making it a fortune and successful brand prominently.

What is offered by Snap VPN

After all achievements said and done, we came to talk some fact of what snap VPN really did and still doing for forever run to achieving goals in the VPN industry.

Leading it to one of the top VPNs in the Free VPN industry where it cemented it legacy for the past 6 years as for the time of writing this article is 2022 and I’ll probably update it.

Here also some goal and vision that Snap VPN dedicated it existence to;

  1. Protection if users privacy
  2. Unlimited access to all websites, apps and game
  3. Provide secure connection on Public hotspot WiFi
  4. Encrypts your online activities
  5. It keeps your privacy and anonymous online.

There you all heard it, isn’t that you all wanted from Snap VPN! I can’t think of anyone that does need above mentioned on the VPN in order to use it.

Absolutely not me because I each of everything shown above on my VPN all verified or I’m not using that VPN.

Been told about that is all great to hear and give your ease in using a certain VPN but how true are these? Do they replaced prioritize users privacy and security that much? do they really have to considerable amount of speed of internet?

That’s all you should be looking in this article review. If you have had these questions in mind then hit me up in the comments below and I’ll give my personal WhatsApp number because we think alike and would make really good friends. All these things are going to disclose to you in this article.

Privacy protection.

Is your privacy really protect by Snap VPN or it’s just a way of attracting users to use the app and make profit for the app?

Good question, I was having a question like that for a long time before I decided to make my own research and test everything I doubts. In order to give all of us clearer view about this app.

Here is what I did concerning privacy protection, I first put my mind into a right state of knowing that privacy protection is highly influences and base on IP address.

Yes don’t get me wrong, Hacker on get to hack your information when your device exposed your location.

Yes, don’t stress just keep it keeps and read what I have to say here. When your device expose your location is not even a fault of your device it’s a matter of your connection not be secure. Here is how it works; When a hack get hold of your IP address and you DNS server


Hacker can easily have access to privacy with no doubt. Reason being that you’re DNS go leaked by a VPN because of some weak privacy protection layers in the process of programming the app. Your DNS is meant to be a private information so do your IP address.

When these two private information are got correctly by the hackers. There is no limit to what the hacker can take away online from you. Because everything you don’t online is ever related to you IP address and DNS server.

So before considering Snap VPN to be safe with your privacy you’ll have to confirm from a fellow user and not from the developers who would everything good about their app.

And when you’re seeking information from a user like a tech authors/bloggers. Make sure you read what side they are with their article like the note below.


Note: Techy Income is not in affiliation with Snap VPN neither sponsored by Snap VPN to write this article. Hence we 100% responsibility of everything altered in this article according to our opinion and personal experiences.
Techy Income is not to blame in case of any disconnection or damage cause by this app since everything here is from personal opinion and we don’t have responsibility of any changes that are made on the app.

Yes notice like about very important to have looked at in the article to see if this review is honest or sold out.

I mean when a Website is paid to write about something. It only jobs is to write as good about the given topic as expected by the sponsor.

Now let’s get back to review how this app operates and what are the things that you need to be assure of according to our research results.

I was curious about the said feature of privacy protection. So I went to proof that this is true before I trust the app with privacy.

The following are what are did to come up with the final thoughts about Snap VPN:

DNS leak check
IP address check
Internet Speed check

Let talk about the three above how I have managed to accurately confirm that everything they said about the app is correct. Meaning that by doing the above verification and shows either the app is to be trust or not.

DNS leak check

If you’re DNS leaks then you have to very careful with your online stuffs and how you handle your information that you want nobody to get their hands on it.

Your IP address getting leak means your real DNS server being visible to literally anyone online mostly especially hackers who are always on hunt to find unprotected data and try to eat on.

So before I said anything about how protection you’re regrading the DNS. I’ll have to be transparent with my research in order to assured you that I’m I’m saying in this article is not bias but a honest review about Snap VPN.

And the best way to be transparent with my research is to share some of the most important screenshot with you as you can see below.

Snap VPN connected

The above screenshot show that I got myself connect to Singapore server on the free version.

Because most VPNs don’t really cares that much about free users and hence there are high chances that free users DNS could easily get leak.

I decided to test everything about app on a free VPN with determines everything about premium version.

More to the DNS check

I didn’t just get connect to the this server and jumped on conclusion that Snap VPN is good on privacy and everything.

No, this was just a first step to testing everything and the rest why I show you this is that everything about me that’s going to displayed online must be related to Singapore.

I’m not in Singapore so I’m very safe I’m my information is going to shown to hackers that I’m in Singapore and hide my initial location.

So I did the test to see if my DNS server is shown exactly as Singapore on internet or it’s shown as my real location I’m very curious. And below you can see what results was.

Basic DNS leak test of Snap VPN

Above you can see that I visit website. What this website does is to simply tell you your DNS server. This is the DNS server that is shown on internet whenever you visit any website that collects such information.

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This is the information that appears to literally anyone online that’s for some reason interesting in your DNS such as hackers who use you DNS server to gather any of your related information.

So above you can’t see that Snap VPN did pass the test of DNS leak by Showing my DNS server to be from Singapore and not my actual country as I’m by the time of writing this article in Uganda and with Snap it shows that I’m in Singapore. So bravo that’s done on basic.

You may think that was enough to trust Snap VPN with our privacy protection but to me that was enough proof to trust it.

So, I went on to do standard test instead on stopping on the basic test above. And below you can see what screenshot said.

Standard DNS leak test

As seen in the above screenshot upon completing the standard test. I was said to be having 6 servers same from Singapore given to me by the Snap VPN on one connection. And my internet was host my my ISPs not neither any government but google.


That was actually exciting to see because I didn’t expect to be switching on 6 servers in just one connection which even make me more secure and protect and the fact that all the 6 servers are all from Singapore and some breathtaking information.

It reassured me that whatever the DNS server caught by the hackers is no where near my information but just a shield to my online present.

This is what is call being anonymous online, when know can correct track and tell who you really are by you location and activities.

Still this was even enough for me I still wanted to get into the button of the DNS protection level.

You as a reader, you need to know the technology has level just in any other fields so the basic level would be hard to online less skilled hackers to break through.

h and standard DNS protection whole the whole a lot of hard task to be break by any hacker because Snap VPN made hard for them by switching up and down in servers for all their users.

h and standard DNS protection whole the whole a lot of hard task to be break by any hacker because Snap VPN made hard for them by switching up and down in servers for all their users.

Deep dive

I actually proceed the the final test of DNS leak check. On the extended test I found out that this VPN wasn’t ever going to give up on the users so I went on to test it and screenshot it for you as shown below.

Extended DNS leak test

ByThe screenshot above is telling you that your real DNS isn’t just protect in 6 layer. But it’s cover with over 30 different DNS that you attain freedom online to worry about nothing.

Because everything that would have been a reason to worry about is under control of Snap VPN.

If you’re a tech authors or tech wizard and anyone with any little deeper knowledge about how tech world work then you don’t even need to explain this to you.

But to my regular users who knows nothing about all this. The above three DNS leak check have assured us that Snap VPN is really good in keeping users anonymous online and their privacy protected.

IP address check

This what shows our realtime live location hence it’s very important to keep it private and protect online. You can only share your location with your loved ones like family and real friends.

It’s very dangerous to exposed your location to just any online and this why very VPN be able to protect users really location at all cost.

It’s not because of getting hack online but it’s for your whole life existence safety protection.

I heard of some renowned public figures who lost the ball just by exposing their location on internet. Such of Famous rapper who goes by stage name “Pop Smoke”.

So, it’s very important to be extra curious with you location which is a big part of your privacy.

Aight, that advice is enough for now. Let’s take a look at what my IP address said what I checked it out on internet.

As I already mention that I’m not in Singapore and as far as I’m connect to the Singapore server.

I should be able to appear to be someone in Singapore instead of my initial country hence my IP address should be from Singapore.


So I did the test and the screenshot below will tell us if Snap exposed my real IP address or he kept promise to show me to be from Singapore.

IP address check

And you can above from the screenshot that I was said to in Singapore near the of Toa Payoh, Geylang and Chinatown which completely millions of miles from Uganda where I writing this article from.

The job was done perfectly and no clues were left behind for hackers to track you with.

And this is something that you shouldn’t have any doubts or worries about and everything discloses about you is a complete opposite from your real information.

To concluded the part of the IP address, I would say it’s very transparent and anyone can easily tells what the understand above everything said and shown above this IP address part.

As for me I would say that the case of IP address is pass successful and I personally would have no worries about my IP address handled by Snap VPN.

Internet Speed check

The internet speed is very important, Whereby when you’re considering a VPN to use it primarily you should have to a clear understanding and be assure of the speed your going to be having when using a VPN

So for this case of Snap VPN, we have when ahead to confirm the speed for all the users who are our readers.

The speed when have test and verified to the maximum speed the free VPN could make is typically around what we tested and verified.

Good things is that through out this whole article review, we have been transparent. It all started from the research when we decided to bring up all would have been behind scene research.

Just for the satisfaction of our readers so below you can see the screenshot. Showing the maximum speed on free version according to our test.

Internet speed test

Just as in above screenshot, which is powered by Netflix. It proof to us that the maximum speed boost offered to the users on free version is relatively slow.

When you’re going to watch Netflix or do any kind of streaming, you should be expecting some buffering.

So we came to conclusion that the speed on Snap VPN especially on free version is moderate.

And this determine that the speed on premium version is relatively high. It would facilitates a better streaming of Netflix and any other platform. Including gaming on PUBG, Call of duty and many more.

Aso read: Why is VPN lat the best alternative for you?

Is Snap VPN safe?

According to all that the evidence given above, it’s safe to say that it’s 100% safe. It has been proof in a multiple ways such, it doesn’t leak DNS servers.

It musk up your actual IP address by generation a fake IP address and it doesn’t keep logs.

Is Snap VPN free?

Snap VPN is a free and paid VPN whereby you get your privacy protected. And internet security on both free and paid version guaranteed.

With free version the speed is limit whereas the with a premium VPN the speed is highly considerable.


Free VPN; Price = $0/forever (you watch some ads)
Premium; Price = $8.99/month and $59.99/year (discounted price with 75% off)

Pros and Cons


No logs in logged
Privacy is protected
WiFi hotspot traffic is encrypted full secured
Unlimited access to all the contents


Ads are displays (on free version)
Speed is limited (on free version)
Limited devices

Is Snap VPN good?

Yes, it’s a very good VPN to used for all your online activities. Telling on behalf of all

all satisfied users on google play store and app store contributing to over 4 stars rating. It’s a really reliable VPN that you may consider primarily for your day to day life of your online activities.

Download Snap VPN on any device today

  1. PC – Download blue stack here is where to download it, install the emulator and launch it. Then you’ll see the Google Play Store icon on the home screen of blue stack. So, open Google Play Store and search for Snap VPN. From there go can just click on download and start enjoying after installing it.
  2. iOS – Click Here to download it, you’ll be on apple website where you simply see where to download Snap VPN onto your iPhone or iPad
  3. Android – You can simply download it today on Google Play Store and also through APK on APKPure

In conclusion

Snap VPN have come a long way with time to time improvement of service from 2016 up to date.

Over years there has been a huge improvement in how app function. It’s now reliable and trustworthy trusted by many all around the world.

Do I recommend Snap VPN

Yes, I do. infact I strongly suggest you down it today and try it out to experienced everything we have talked about in this article.

Leave your thoughts in the comments section below, yours thoughts really matter to us. They help us to improve on the information we provides to our readers.

I’ll be glad to have a conversation with you in the comments section perhaps we could exchange what numbers there.

Please you’re wholeheartedly invited to join us on Telegram and YouTube. And we’ll be so happy to have you as a new member of this community are building.

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