How to use KineMaster for editing YouTube videos in 2023

Criszy Parry
Everyday there is a rise in numbers of new YouTube channels create by people who want to be YouTubers. Most of these people have no idea where to start and make a good interesting videos. Regradless how interesting the information inside the video is, with a bad edited video, the information in your video is worthless.


So, this is where the KineMaster comes in with other editing apps. With a great editing app, you video is video to look good and attracts more views. More views, more success in term of reaching every creators goal of getting in YouTube partnership program. 

In order to reach that goal, you need to invest in a lot of time to make you videos look as good as possible. This is actually where most YouTubers goes wrong and later give up on their dream of building a mega superstar YouTube channel.

So, if you are a new YouTuber and you want to have a successful YouTube channel running and generating income 24/7, this is the fundamental force that will push you to all those height you imagine. 

KineMaster is a good choice here, it has a lot of better features that can help you to start a career as a YouTuber and we can help with that in this tutorial article, we'll walk you through it all from first step until the last step.

What is KineMaster?

KineMaster is a beginner friendly professional video editing app that helps in creating an outstanding videos hence helping users to gain successful on platforms like YouTube, TikTok, Facebook and Instagram. 

Most of social media influencers, marketers and contents creators uses tool like KineMaster to create mind-blowing videos that you usually see on your feed. This is not just an ordinary editing app, it's one of the best editing app that ever exist on planet earth. I don't know about planet Mars. I'm just kidding, there is no lives there.

Just to do a quick check reality check about KineMaster, it's has been outside here for almost 10 years as it officially got released on play store in 2013 on the month of December 26th and today we're in 2023 February during the time of writing this article.

It started with 0 and today the numbers are unbelievable, as I'm writing this article, KineMaster has over 100 millions downloads on Google Play Store. This simply means that there are millions and millions of people that are using KineMaster every and they getting their way to success in contents creation world.

I'm sure, you would love to a part of one 1% excel, so make way way through to that position your desire with the help of KineMaster in your content creation journey.

Are you worries how and where to start with the KineMaster? If so, then don't worry at all because I'm going to Walk you through the whole process from literally zero to hero.

Is KineMaster free?

KineMaster is a free editing tool which comes with almost every single feature on its free version. This means the KineMaster has both free and paid version on it officially app. So, it's all up to you to decide what version you want.

There are some valid reason which can help you to decide, which version you want. And those are the level of your contents creation, you contents preference and your budget. So between these three, you can tell what is best for you.

What is the difference between KineMaster free and paid version?

To be honest, there is no much difference between two versions. Because both versions shares almost every features on the app. But there are still some difference which is why one version is brands to be paid as superior while one is branded as free as ordinary.

So, in then reality the bigger different between these is basically the watermark. I mean who needs his video to watermarked "KineMaster" I think that ruins your credit as a video editor and content creator. 

In order to maintain professionalism in you video, you somehow need to get rid of watermark so that the video remain fully yours with all right reserve.

Okay is there any other way round of how you can get KineMaster without watermark for free? Of course yes, but before we get into that, let's first explore how to use KineMaster. So, you'll find that below as you keep reading.

Instructions on how to use KineMaster

1. Download the app below. (Without watermark for free)

2. Open it and explore starting with a home interface
As you can see in the home interface screenshot above, you're given an option to choose the template from multiple choices. They are put into categories such as YouTube, Instagram and many more they're purposely put that way so you can choose what suits you content the best.

And if you can't see what template you want on the home screen, then the search bar is right there for you. So, you can search what you want from hundreds if not thousands of template available on the app. 

As you can see in the screenshot that there are new templates added. It means that more templates are still getting added to the app which guarantee you at least one best template for your video.

2. Click on create 

This is where all the magic happens, here is space for you to create a project of your video. It's more like a lab where you get to do all the experiment before you put out the results.

So, at this side you have everything you want in order to make a really great video, it all started with picking a template from home as shown above there.

3. There is everything you need to start your editing so that you can make a great video. So, to get started, you need to click on plus button which says "New project"
By clicking on that you will be starting a brand new project which is adding a video from your phone which you want to edit and many more.

4. You'll see this after clicking on the plus (+) button.
In the screenshot above, you can see that this side is all about ratios. So, these are what determines what your video will look like in terms of the size. 

If you're going to edit a YouTube video, then 16:9 is the best fit for that kind of video. Whereas if you editing a YouTube short video then, 9:16 is the best one.

When you editing a Instagram reel video then, 9:16 is the best choice for you to go with. Technically Instagram reel and YouTube short have no difference in size and so do TikTok videos.

So, the above mentioned are the most important ratios in our matter, as you have seen above that this is the guide of how to use KineMaster for editing YouTube videos.

If see the upper part of the recent screenshot, you'll see something written there as "project name" meaning that you can write the name of the project you're about to start.

5. Choose the ratio depending on what type of video you want to edit.
We choose the ratio of YouTube video which is 16:9 and this where it has brought us to. So, at this side of KineMaster, you're shown your images and videos file in your phone. You can now get to choose the video you want to edit. 

6. But before choosing a video, you may have to choose the background first. That's when you records your YouTube videos on the phone like me. 
Where the arrow is pointing is where you will get the background colour of your video from. There is all colors there which can make you videos look stunning. But if you don't like the colours, then you can go to or to download a YouTube template for your video.

7. After choosing the background, it will look like this one below
Where the arrow is pointing is where you can click in order to add more layers like adding the video want to edit.

8. After clicking on layer you will see thses
The first one is for media such as videos and pictures, second one is effect like blurring a video and some point, third one is for stickers like adding your favorite emojis, the fourth one is for Texts which let you write something in the video like the name of YouTube and the fifth one is just for handwriting.

9. You have to utilize the most necessary features in the layer, mic which let you do a voiceover while editing a video and music features which let you add music from both KineMaster music library and your phone music library.

10. after mobilizing all these beautiful features you will he able to make a real incredible video that would stand out on YouTube and get you some hundreds or thousands of views which is a lot for a new YouTube channel just like my new channel.

You check what end result look like on my new channel on YouTube. I posted this video some times back but it took some time to finally took up. Now it making me at least 100 views everyday.
As you can see above there, just from one video which recently took off on my new channel. I got 195 views in last 48 hours, now imagine if you make 10 videos like this?  You would be getting 2,000 views in 48 hours.

KineMaster without watermark

This is KineMaster pro version that is more modded, because it has all the features from the paid version including no watermark. 

It's not actually from the official app store platform but inform of APK which I have already sorted all out for you. You can now download it for free.

Below is the link to donkeyloot which will give you an opportunity to make money every by doing literally nothing tapping on your screen.

In conclusion.

KineMaster is definitely one of the best editing app that could really help you to get started with your YouTube journey or whatever platform you share you piece of art on, whether TikTok, Facebook or Instagram, KineMaster will help you along.

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