Http injector settings and working configurations

Criszy Parry

So here you’re looking for a setting for the http injector. It happened for the best that I had to write about it today.

Maybe you have seen some tutorials on how this app works. But you did not fully understand how it was done.

If so or the other way around, it’s really okay because you are now in the right place. To all the answers to your questions.

You might be wondering if it is worth it… To be outside here looking for a way to install the http injector.

Instead of just going to get any other inbuilt setup VPN and then using it with no stress.

Overview about this article

Well, what I know and believe about this app. Which is the reason that pushed me to write this review article about it.

Is that it’s just so different from the rest of the VPNs you know about. And that one alone makes it worth it to take a look at.

This VPN app is definitely not one of the regular VPNs. It is a lot different in its entirety including settings.

Which is why not a lot of people are using it so far. The fact is that it’s not just a one- tap VPN all said and done app. It require you to have a little knowledge about how it is setup. 

And that fact is the reason why it does not have as lot of users as it deserves. The users based on the http injector are mainly people who know one or two about tech staff.

As regular users out of this amazing app yet they also need the services offered by http injector 

Simple intro to http injector

When I say users must at least have a little knowledge about how it is done. I was giving you information direct from the http injector app itself.

As you can see in the screenshot below. But worry less because I’m going to show you everything about how it is from zero to hero.

So in order to use it, they will require you to give your concern about being a professional user. Or you’d just exist the apo peacefully.

Instead of getting yourself into something that would just stress you out. And end up not connected after all the hussle.

So in order to use it, they will require you to give your concern about being a professional user. Or you just have to exist the app peacefully.

Instead of getting yourself into something that would just stress you out. And end up not connected after all the hassle.

So the point here is that you really need this information that we have for you. In this article because everything mentioned in this article.

Http injector goodness

It’s absolutely for your own good because it would really help you. Out to get connect to http injector for free internet freedom. 

Because we start with the settings, do you even know how it works for real? or Or don’t you care about that…

You would rather get the settings and just keep going and you’ll find eventually how it works? Yes, this is an answer to some reading this now.

How am I suppose to teach you about something you don’t want to know? No way, the only thing I’ll do is to leave the note behind that you’ll later want to learn about how http injector works like.

I would outgrow such a repeat them again so I will leave here now and is always going here in a couple of years to come.

How does the http injector work?

It works a lot differently to the VPN you’re using currently. It is a professional users’ only app that analyzes the amount of data, privacy and security of its users online.

I don’t usually comment negatively, but the fact is that if you don’t want to learn some tech approach, then you’re a straight laziness basement.

No offense, now let’s talk about how http injector really works. It’s real job is to provide users with multilayer privacy protection and internet security, just to mention a few.

It works along with the anonymity of users by encrypting users’ online activities. With multiple servers and tunnelling networks that cross the barrier. Being imposed by the ISPs and the government on regular users.

By mentioning that, the first important thing you should think of already is. Are you allow to stream on platforms you want? Yes, I mean nobody typically knows what platform you want to be streaming their content.

Http injector unblocks Netflix

But here is what we know for sure. You’re probably talking about the streaming videos, games and audio.

Or you just want to have access to some of the article content on a certain website that has been restrict for you.

Let’s assume that your favorite video platforms are Netflix, Disney, Amazon, Hulu, Prime.

And your favorite audio content app is Apple music, Spotify, iTunes, Tidal. While your favorite games are Mobile Legend, Call of duty, Warzone, PUBG.

Servers of http injector

That was just a guess, so here is how http injector work. In order to have access to any of the above.

You just go on to get the server that suits your particular content and then bring it on to the VPN and then connect it after making the necessary settings. 

Meaning that http injector works with any cyber security, means you may have any these includes: 

DNS Tunnel






With having connection to any of the ones above, your privacy and security while surfing is guarantee. That’s how simple and easy https injector works.

You just have one job online and everything is set up for you. The rest is all handled by, http injector leaving you, not a thing to worry about.

That sounds interesting, right? Yes it does. But the question is where can I get any of the things mentions above? And what do I do with them on the app so that I can get connection?

More info on http injector

Good questions, all the answers will be provided under the heading “how to connect http injector” As for now, you have just learnt some basic knowledge about it.

I mean you have already seen above that this app is only designs for professional users.

All I’m trying to do here is to give you knowledge of how this app is deal with. In that way, you wouldn’t be amateur on the app and it would be easier for you to get connection to the app.

Http injector connection

Some quick facts you need to know about the http injector, is that it’s not like most of the VPN that you have been using. So here, an app is built for you and making it worth while is all for you.

It’s just like a house being built alone with nothing inside. So you are now having keys to the house but you have to put in the needful stuff in order to make it a home. 

That’s the very same thing here on the https injector. There are no inbuilt servers from different countries for you to choose from.

You would only get to have the servers inside the app by getting them somewhere else.

And putting them inside the app that is how you can get to be connected. And the servers that you bring into the app must be inform of either one SSH, SSL, DNS tunnel, proxy, Shadowsocks or V2ray. 

If not one of the mentioned, then I honestly don’t know what you are trying to do, because it’s not going to work as far as I know.

The reason being that there is only space for only the things mention above, whereas there is no room for anything other than them.

Insight of http injector

So the point here is that you really need this information that we’re having for you in this article because everything mentioned in this article.

Is absolutely for your own good because it would really help you out to get stable connection to http injector for free internet freedom.

Because we start with the settings do you even how it works for real? or you don’t care about that…

You would rather get the settings and just keep going and you’ll find eventually how it works? Yes, is an answer of some reading this now.

How I’m suppose to teach you about something don’t want to know? No way, the only thing I’ll do is to leave the note behind so in case you’ll later want to learn about how http injector work like.

I’d out grown such a repeat them again so I will leave here now and is always going here in a couple of years to come.

How does https injector work?

It works a lot different that that VPN you’re using currently. It a professional users app only that analyze the amount of data, privacy and security of it’s users online.

I don’t usually comments negative but the fact is that if you don’t want to tech learn the some tech approach then you’re straight laziness basement.

No offense, now let’s talk about how http injector really work. It’s real job is to provide users with multilayer privacy protection and internet security just to mention few.

Additional info about this particular VPN

It works along with anonymity of users by encrypting users online activities with multiple servers and tunnelling networks that cross the barrier being impose by the ISPs and the government on the regular users.

By mentioning that, the first important you things you should ask already is are you allow to stream platforms you want? Yes, I mean nobody typically know what platform you want to be streaming their contents.

But here is what we know for sure, you’re probably talking about the streaming videos, games and audios.

Or you just want to have access to some of the written contents on a certain websites that has been restrict for you.

let’s assume that you’re your favorite videos platforms are Netflix, Disney, Amazon, Hulu, Prime and your favorite audio contents app is Apple music, Spotify, iTunes, Tidal. While you’re favorite games are Mobile legend, Call of duty, Warzone, PUBG.

Deep dive in how to use http injector

That was just a guessing, so here is how http injector work; Inorder to have access to which of the above you would go just on to get the server that suits your particular contents and then bring it on to the VPN and then connected it after doing the necessary settings.

Meaning that https injector work with any of cyber security mean you may have any these included:

DNS Tunnel

With being connect to any of the ones above, your privacy and security while surfing is guarantee.

That’s how simple and easy https injector work, You just have online one job and everything is set up for you. The rest is all handled for by http leaving you not a thing to worry about.

That sounds interesting right? Yes it does. But the question is where can I get any of the mentioned above and what do I don’t with them on the app so that I could get connected?

Good question, all the answer will be provided under the heading “how to connect http injector” As for now, just learn some basic knowledge about it.

Insightful before conclusion

I mean you have already see above that this app is only design for professional users.

All I’m trying to do here is to give you knowledge of how this app is deals with. In that way you wouldn’t be amateur on the app and it would be easier for you to get connection on the app.

Some quick facts you need to know about http injector is that it’s not like the most of the VPN that you have been using. So here app is built for you and making it worth while is all on you.

It’s just like a house being built alone with no nothing inside. So you given keys to the house but you have to put in the needed stuffs in order to make it a home.

That’s the very same thing here on the https injector, there no inbuilt servers from different countries for you to choose from.

You would only get to have the servers inside the app by getting them somewhere else and put them inside the app that how you can get to be connected.

And the servers that brings into the app must be informed of either one SSH, SSL, DNS tunnel, proxy, Shadowsocks or V2ray.

If not one the mentioned then I honestly don’t know what you are trying to e do because it’s not going to work as far as I know.

Reason being that there are only space for only the mentioned above whereas there is no room for anything none other than them.

Does https injector give free internet? 

Yes, it is just like Ha Tunnel Plus. You’re required to come with your equipment in order to get the free internet that you are seeking.

Meaning that the http injector has no inbuilt free internet, there is only a space where you can put your equipment together in order to get free internet access.

Are you tired of paying internet bills every month? If yes, then take it easy. I have got your back on this. I have been there too.

There was a time I was paying around $55 just for internet access and to be honest, I wasn’t okay with spending that much just to have access to the internet. Which should have been free to everyone.

Because nowadays everyone needs to be accompanied by their phone wherever they go. And what company can a phone give you when there is no internet access? Playing games like a kid? Not at all. It is so boring, but it is important and at the same time costly. 

Free of charge

When I say costly, I mean that outside there in the world full of people, which goes up to 7+ billion.

Someone somewhere can ever afford a meal someday and you expect that person to pay as much as $55 just to have access to the internet?

I mean it’s worth to those to earn living from the internet then those whose just go to surf the web and chat with friends and family.

Before we even started with the settings of http injector for the case of free internet access, I would recommend you to check out the following blog posts which will teach you how to gain access to the free internet without having to pay 10s bucks for it.

Also read: How to get free internet on Droid VPN worldwide

Also read: How to get free internet access with wire tun. 

There are a lot ways and VPN, I know that they give out free internet, such as Ha Tunnel Plus and many others. If you want to get more VPN apps that give out free internet.

Just checkout 5 to 7 free VPN articles on this website. You’ll definitely get the answer you want. Showing you all the possible steps that you need to take in order to gain free internet access like me.

As for now, let’s start with the settings of http injector whereby I’ll be showing you how to set it up, how to configure it, how to create files and so on…

How to connect http injector (settings)

There are several ways you can connect http injector today as we have mentioned some them above.

And you have seen in the screenshot above that in order to use this app. You must have at least a basic knowledge of the techy stuffs. 

So that is why Techy Income came through to share with you everything that you need to know in order to have that certain level of technology mentality that could get you connected to the https injector and other related VPNs that could give you internet freedom for a long time.

We are going to specify what we are going to cover in the settings of how to get connect to the https injector.

Meaning that we’re not going to generally talk about all the means that could get you connect on the app, but we’re just going to pick only the most important settings that you really need a lot more than the other

More to http injector connection

And also with reference to this VPN being for professional users only. I wouldn’t share a show that so hard and take long in order to get it right.

I strategically analyzed all the settings means available on the http injector. And I only found that the best ways to make our way through this are only two (2) because they are easier and more reliable to get connect to.

So what are these two ways that we’re going to learn about? Well, they are Shadowsocks and… Because these are efficient methods we can easily use anytime.

With not having to stress out on anything. As I am going to show , there is nothing much that needs to you a be a tech pro in order to do it.


http injector settings steps to follow


1. Open your browser 

2. Search for

3. On the home page, scroll a little and then click on create account

4. Scroll and click on Shadowsocks Server

5. Scroll and choose any country if you choose on the available countries’ servers

6. Click. Create an account on any server which is not full. When it’s 30 out of 30, then that server is full, meaning that there is no space for you.

7. Scroll down until you see “generate now”

8. Solve the captcha “I’m not a robot”

9. Click on generate now

10. Scroll down until you see create account success 

11. Go back and open the http injector app

12. Click on the settings button third to your right-hand side.

13. From there, click on the Shadowsocks

14. Then go back to the website and copy the information given you, start copying a clipboard. 

More steps to get connection

15 Go back to the app and click on the file at your right-hand side and paste it there.

16. Go back to the website and copy the server host given to you and go back to the app and paste it on the server.

17. Again, go back to the website and copy the given remote port and then go back to the http injector and paste it into the port.

18. On the website, copy the given password and paste it in the space of password on the

19. Again, go back to the app to see the given encryption and then go back to the app, click on the encrypt method and choose the very same encryption given to you on the website.

20. On the app look down to see if the feature settings on the UDP relay check. If it’s not tick already, then you have to tick it because it’s the one that enables you to stream videos and also to make video calls.

21. Go back to the app interface and make sure to check the DNS because that’s what keeps you secured and anonymous protection on the internet.

22. Click on the tunnel type just after the word starts. 

23. For the tunnel type, choose Shadowsocks

24. Under connect form, choose direct

25. Click on save. 

About the settings of http injector

Just like that, all the settings needed are all done. And you are now one tap away from getting connect.

So, in order to get connect, you need to just click on start and in a few seconds you’ll be connect to http injector for absolutely free of charge.

And you can access any content online depending on what server you have chosen on the website of at the beginning.

So now you know one of the methods you can literally use today to get connect on http injector.

I think it would be a high time now to check out the other method we mentioned along with Shadowsocks, which is V2ray works.

Before we start covering this, let me make one thing clear about what we are about to cover. It’s technically the simplest method available on http injector that can easily get you connect, which is good news.

And the bad news is that you will not like it. Why? Because it’s very slow, so if you choose to go for it because it’s very easy to set up, then don’t be surprise when you can access anything with it. 

V2Ray steps to follow to get connected to the http injector:

1. Open your http injector app

2. Click on the tunnel type right under the start.

3. Under tunnel type, choose V2Ray 

4. At the side of connect form, choose none (direct).

5. Click on save.

6. You click on the three short lines at your left-hand side and click on the settings.

7. Under settings click on plug-in manager 

8. Download the V2ray plug-in

9. Launch the V2ray plug-in you just downloaded

10. Come back to the app and you’ll see every setup regarding V2Ray. 

Connect to http injector

All said and done, what is remaining here is… Just a click on start and you’ll be connect straight from there. It’s exciting how easy it’s, but don’t forget that it’s the slow method.

On http injector that nobody could ever use willingly when there is another better method. Like the one for Shadowsocks we have looked at above there.

So my recommendation is that you should use the shadows method. Because it’s the best server for streaming videos, games and any video related content while it’s on YouTube or Netflix or wherever you may think and also fast for surfing the web.

The reason why I left out the SSH (TLS/SSL) method is because it’s a little harder. For regular users like my readers to easily coop up with.

So I choose to only show you the easy ones that anyone can literally understand. About applying for their http injector.

But in case you’re looking forward to this method, then let me know in the comments section below and I’ll definitely update this article with it.

Is http injector safe?

Http injector is a multilayer protocol and tunnelling VPN that secures and protects users’ privacy online.

It helps users to access any surfing the web anonymously without getting track, meaning that it’s 100% for anyone connected to it.

Not just does it protect users’ privacy, it also keeps using anonymous online whereby you can access contents. Literally any website or app can easily be unblocked by http injector.

It does not matter whether you want to unblock the video content, audio content or written content because http is capable of unblocking all the content.

In conclusion

Http is one of the strongest privacy protection services that you’ll ever see on the internet.

The reason being that it acts as a global all in one VPN, which comprises Shadowsocks, SSH, DNS Tunnel, V2Ray and Stunnel. 

Is it recommended?

Yes, it’s strongly recommended, and users are advised to first acquire as much knowledge as possible about how it’s set up.

Like you have seen above, we have simplified it for you by giving you some simple methods and we’re going to add on the missing method whenever we update this article.

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