Vpnify - Unlimited VPN proxy download | review

Criszy Parry

With over 1 million users’ reviews about vpnify VPN on Google Play Store, there are not much tech bloggers involves. So here we’re going to bring everything together from the users’ reviews to our review (users experience and our research experience).

We are going to eliminate and approve some of the things that are claimed to be done by the vpnify for the users. Everything going to be outline and break down here will all be construct from the available resources online. Such as from users’ experience as we said and tests done to verify information claims by the VPN.

Before we even proceed to talk about what vpnify is, allow me to make something clear to all of the readers.

Note: everything altered in this article review is not sponsored by vpnify or anyone else, so everything here is all from our experience and personal experience and opinion about the app. Hence, our readers are assured of an honest review as much as possible.

What is vpnify

It’s defined to be a one-click connection virtual private network with military-grade security encryption which helps users to stay protected and unblock all the restricted and censored content on all the sites.

It’s said to be one of the best VPN that has ever existed on the internet. It works on any device, so it doesn’t matter whether you’re using android, iOS, Mac. Meaning that it can work on your PC.

The users’ privacy is the first thing everyone should first look for before anything else on a VPN. Yes I mean it, I wouldn’t mind that much about the speed. Literally, speed is not a thing or important when my privacy is not prioritize. 

And when it comes to users’ privacy protection, vpnify highly talk about handling this part of the cyber security. The whole VPN industry is regards to be a part of cyber security. Whereby, users’ privacy is protect and secure from all possible cyber attacks or threats.

privacy protection

Now let’s talk about this. Does vpnify really protect users’ information or this is all just a cap. We’ll take a deep dive into this by bringing you the relevant proof that this is actually true or not.

Firstly, allow me to give you a little awareness of what users’ privacy protection looks like and what really determines privacy protection. In that way, you’ll be able to comprehend the information we are going to give you and you’ll be able to know what you want to see in this review.

Here is what determines privacy protection: 

The safety of users’ IP addresses

DNS server safety

Internet traffic encryption (this will be another topic below)

Now you know what determines users’ privacy protection. Let’s take a look into these things one by one and how they work. With proof of how our review came about.


In this review we’re going to be showing you the behind the scenes of everything that is said about VPN, as for this case we’re going to find out whether your IP address and DNS server are musk up or they are unprotected.

So, without telling you what I did by myself because of the results I personally got. Someone might think that it’s just a made thing, so we’ll show you the screenshot of what it said when I got connect with one of the servers on vnpify. So you first check it out below and then will get more about it.

Connected vpnify

You can see in the above screenshot, that I got connect to Switzerland’s servers. I’m not in Switzerland but, since I’m connect to Switzerland’s servers. I expect my IP address and DNS to be from Switzerland and not from my initial country.

Add up to what you know so far above vpnify

So, after being connected, I went ahead and check if my IP address was hide away from the internet hackers and by doing that my intention was to prove that vpnify does or not not protect users’ privacy. Your IP address is your private information. If you don’t know that, then you should know that today.

In order to be sure about the IP address shown to us on the internet, I made sure that I pick a reliable source to help us determine that. And we couldn’t think of any other platform that’s more accurate than Nordvpn.com. So you need to have a better takeaway from our experiment. We had to assure you that I’m not in Switzerland. So, check my real IP address below without being connect to any VPN before checking our IP address after being connected to Switzerland’s servers, as you can see below.

My IP address

What you can see in the above screenshot is my real IP address. I’m in Kampala, which is the capital city of Uganda, without being connect with Vpnify. Nord VPN provides the accurate realtime IP address, so there it has shown my IP address. I hid my IP address because I didn’t want to get pull up in my crib or get hacked online by using my initial IP address.

Also read: Is VPN Monster the best free VPN alternative?

About real IP address

That was the best thing to do, to expose where I live just as it is too far, but I did everything for my readers to trust our service. The information in this vpnify article or article about what is represent from the realtime proof by our team, especially Criszy, who is the only author on this website.

Now we have seen that my real IP address is without getting connected to the connected to Switzerland servers on vpnify. Let’s go ahead to confirm if users privacy protection is really prioritize by vpnify by checking my IP address again on Nord VPN after I got connect to the  server on this website. Below you can see what the results were.

Bingo! There you can see for yourself what my IP address is when I’m connect to the vpnify. Do I really have to explain this to you, like for real? Of course not. We have all seen that my real IP address is shown above to be in Kampala, Uganda. And when I connect to my vpnify, my IP address was change to Switzerland, Zurich instead of Uganda, Kampala. That’s a big W for vpnify, we have to credit it for that.

DNS server leak check on vpnify

Above, we have all seen that we are assured of our IP address getting musk up. Yes, it’s clear that vpnify does hide users’ IP addresses. That’s all well and good, but what about users’ DNS, which is all a part of users’ private information? Does it get leak by vpnify or it’s almost protect as much as the IP address? We’re going to see that below.

We have all agreed that this question must get answers before we go any further with this article review. So we’ll have to get the answer to this as soon as possible. So the Techy Income got all the answers to our readers’ questions and below you can the screenshot showing something you may know. We’ll talk about it below.

Interface of DNS leak test website

As you see in the screenshot above, our IP address is still the same. It’s still showing us that I’m from Switzerland and not from Uganda. So this means that our DNS does not leak anywhere online. Because that is the purpose of this website call dnsleaktest.com. It tells if your DNS server is getting leaked somewhere by the VPN after you have been assured that your real IP address is hidden.

More information about DNS leak check on vpnify

But this is not enough for me. I wanted to do a thorough test before I jumped to the conclusion of being completely safe online in the hands of vpnify services, though they have proof of their worth above, of keeping users’ IP addresses private.

Here is what I did in order to get satisfy with not being leak online. I went ahead and did the standard test instead of just exiting the website from the general test on the front page of the website when you visit it.

Standard DNS leak test on vpnify

The Standard has a little bit deeper information about how your DNS server is handle by the VPN you’re connect to along with your IP address, which guarantees you not to worry about getting your information leaks online. So you can first see what is in the following screenshot before we proceed.

standard DNS test

In the screenshot you just saw, it gives me the light intensity of how good vpnify is. What do I mean? Here is what I mean. The screenshot just told me that vpnify has provide me with the 4 DNS servers. These servers are from Zurich, Switzerland and 1 is borrow from Milan, Italy to make my protection even stronger.

Details to the results of the DNS leak check on vpnify

It has generated 4 servers with 4 IP addresses whereby they will be switching up my internet traffic in case they notice any suspicious like someone trying to track my IP address. Even though they have already given me a fake IP address, they don’t want anybody getting access to my online activities. The way for them to do this is to provide me with a multi IP addresses so then I wouldn’t be track in any way.

The fact that I’m connect to Switzerland’s servers and they add the server with a very legitimate looking looking host. And showing my ISP to be Cisco OpenDNS, LLC was a top notch privacy protection from a top tier VPN app call vpnify. I rate it 10/10 for that.

Extended DNS leak test of vpnify

This standard test was very convincing that users’ privacy is actually protect on vpnify. But I wanted to complete the job by getting to the bottom of the DNS leak test and the bottom line.

By running the DNS extended test which provides more information than the standard test we just did. So I have screenshot of this below for you to first see how it’s before I explain anything about it.

Extended DNS server leak results

There you can in screenshot that over IP address is not under multiple layers more than 4 we have seen in the standard DNS test. The IP address is split into over 15 IP addresses and the good of all is that I even include what the test results mean. 

There you can clearly see that vpnify provides you with a multi IP address and also changes your ISPs by transferring your whole connection to Google, which is the largest search engine.

Insight to the content

They could still relate your online activities with your initial IP address if necessary, but online you are completely anonymous to the rest of the world apart from the IP address provided, which is the vpnify who purposely hide your IP address by replacing it with their generated IP addresses. 

All your privacy is links with your IP address. As I always see when you expose your IP address, there are high chances that you could easily get hack if someone has been tracking you. So, with all the tests done, it simply indicates that your information such as email passwords, telephone numbers,  credit cards and bank info and any other valuable information you have on your device is all protected by vpnify.

Internet traffic encryption (Hotspot WiFi security)

So now you know that your privacy is in protection. What’s the next thing you want to know about vpnify? Your WiFi hotspot, WiFi security? If so, then let’s go ahead to cover this is. Because this is almost equally important as privacy protection and it’s an important thing to look out for when choosing a VPN.

The thing is that to get your internet secure over any public hotspot WiFi or whatever internet source you’re connect with. You need to get your internet traffic encrypt. This simply means the same as hiding your real DNS server where it host will appear as the respective public hotspot WiFi you’re connect to. 

When a person with a wrong deep get hold of this information, the could easily get access to literally anything the wanted in your device where some private documents or your credit card info of bank info like literally anyway.

Security on vpnify

So, vpnify handle this matter single handed with their ability to bypass the fire wall and hide users IP address. So, when your IP address changes, it means that you no longer appear to be connect to that public wifi, hence creating a private network over a public network.

You have seen above how your privacy is in protection. That’s the very same thing that shields your internet connection. It’s encrypt by separating how your internet route appears as it appears to be from a different country, an anonymous route as you can see above in the screenshot. There you can see that the host name is not reveals. It’s left anonymously in the incognito mode by showing none under the host name.

I think that’s all understood. But in case you don’t understand what is implied under the review of the WiFi hotspot security, then pay attention here. The take away from this is your privacy protection is link with your internet security. So your IP address and DNS server are what show your internet traffic. So the conclusion is, your internet connection is always one tap away from getting connect.

Internet speed on vpnify

How is the internet speed on vpnify? Is it slow or fast? I mean I personally don’t want my internet to be slow, so I must know what the Pros in this VPN industry have to say about the speed before I download the app and get connect.

Good, here is what pros say about the internet speed of vpnify when you get connect. Before we reveal anything about the speed, we want to make it crystal clear that the information about the vpnify speed was thoroughly done during the research and the results varied.

How was it varying? It varied with different results by trying different countries’ servers and there was a slight difference. So that means the internet speed when you’re connect to vpnify may heavily depend on your local network speed.

First internet speed test for vpnify

So we carried out research by testing our speed on fast.com, which is linked with Netflix streaming speed. Basically we have screenshot the results when we were connect to the Switzerland servers as seen below.

1st speed test

Above, you can clearly see what our internet speed was like when connected to the Zurich, Switzerland servers. The results from that test tell us that our internet speed was 4.6 megabytes per second. Yes, that’s the online data transfer per second when we did the test.

Second vpnify speed test

Okay, is 4.6 megabytes per second a good internet speed? No!!! It’s not a good internet speed. It’s pretty low internet speed. Does this mean it can’t get any better perhaps on other servers apart from the Switzerland server? The thing is that we did have the same question, so proceed and try out another server as shown below.

2nd speed test

This result in this screenshot, tells another story of the vpnify internet speed. As you have already seen the first one, when you compare both internet speeds you can simply see some differences.

The server we use to get connect here is a United States’ server and it shows that the United States server is a little bit faster than the one of Switzerland.

But that’s still a very slight difference, as the first one is 4.6 megabytes per second, while this one is 5.1 megabytes per second.

So, it’s more like 0.5 difference and this is why I mentioned above there that your internet speed may heavy differs on your local network speed.

Is vpnify safe?

Yes, it is a very safe VPN which protects users’ data with military-grade security traffic encryption.

This is all supported by what we have been discussing so far. As you can see above from the beginning up to here, proof that your IP address is safe as users’ DNS servers are not leak by the service and it doesn’t keep logs of users’ activities.

Is vpnify secure?

Yes, this is more like is vpnify safe? So yes, it’s secured by military-grade security. This encrypts users’ internet traffic.

What does vpnify do?

vpnify value and protects users’ privacy while it unblocks all geo-restricted and censored content on the internet.

Prices of premium subscription

Monthly – US$5.10/month

Yearly – US$2.50/month

Servers countries available on vpnify

United States {East and West Coast}

United Kingdom {Manchester and Lindon}




Hong Kong









Czech Republic









How are the support services of vpnify

Honestly, the support team at vpnify is very helpful, they attend to users’ queries as soon as they can. There are several ways you can get in touch with them and get your issues solved, such as on Google Play Store or app store by leaving a review, through all ratings, or by reaching out to them directly on their email, which is vnpify.app@gmail.com

vpnify download

You can literally download it today from any of the available app stores such as the popular Google Play Store and app store, not to forget all these APK websites all over Google, such as APKPure.

Is VPN available for PCs?

Yes, it’s and you literally download it today straight from the official vpnify website.

vpnify for iOS

It’s not just an android device VPN app as many people may think. It’s technically for all the available devices I could think of.

You can find more out on their official website of vpnify and download it today onto your iOS device.

Is vpnify good?

Yes, it’s considered to be good because it protects users’ privacy, it also uses military-grade security for traffic encryption and it unblocks all site content such as Netflix.

In conclusion

This is one of the best VPN you could ever get on with over a million reviews from satisfied users for both free and paid servers.

You’re highly recommended to try it out for once and experience the magic.

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