Melon VPN free internet - download | review

Criszy Parry

Let’s talk, it’s obvious that you have been thinking about Melon VPN or it just cross your mind. So you tend to search it up on google and you lucky landed on our website.

Bravo you’re in a right place to clear up and confirm everything you have heard about Melon VPN so far.

So, allow me to give you a brief showcase about this amazing app. How it all comes around and what people have to say about it. Pros and cons will be include as we keep going to the finish line of this article.

Melon VPN

Melon VPN is actually one of those VPN that are doing well in the VPN world. Even though some of those VPN is horribly expensive on their subscription.

Melon VPN makes sure to have almost all their over priced features for absolutely free. But they also have a paid VPN for VIPs meaning a version of those who want to pay.

No segregation here lol. we’re all important people, that’s just how they brand their services.

But you would take that personal, because you know how these business work.

It’s just a way to getting fast money from those who want to feel honored.

And those who are not please with the free services for some reasons.

Introduction of Melon VPN

To introduce Melon VPN to you, I’ll say that it’s one of leading app in free VPN industry. Comprised with multiple features that makes up a great VPN.

It’s offer to you by “Inf Security studio” team of developers that dedicate their lives into serving you. With the fast internet connection and protection you from internet troubles.

This VPN was release on Google Play Store back in 2018. Which we the users of Melon VPN and tech author who takes up responsibilities.

Of covering everything possible and important on internet space. In consideration to bring out the best in the history of VPN industry.

Just to be realistic as we also says. The exact date of its released was on 14th November 2018. So, it has been around for quite a while now.

And in this short span of time Melon VPN have been working tirelessly back and forth. Just to provided and fullfil all the users requests.

Hence creating a legacy in the process as it has over 10,000,000 downloads. Estimate to be up to 10,000,000 users today (source of this numbers is google play store).

What is Melon VPN and what does it do

Melon VPN is a one of the world’s fastest secure virtual private network on the internet which protects users privacy.

And bypass geo-restrictions enabling users to have access to any content anywhere online.

It does a lot of things, construct from what Melon VPN. It’s clearly tested and verified that Melon VPN is a free and paid VPN.

That provides unlimited security and privacy protection. Alongside unlimited servers for unblocking restricted contents from anywhere in the world.

Regradless your location because there are tons of location available on the app. These servers are selected with a considerable amount of speed all over the world.

Hence giving you a key to unlock all the contents and power to get your hands on everything.

With a Melon VPN privacy protection, users are leave with absolutely nothing to worry about. Regrading the private information on the internet.

Before the VPN does all the hard work for just being a member of over 10,000,000 users are the world. You’re highly valued with everything that comes with you on this app community.

More info on Melon VPN

Meaning as a member, you’re entitle to everything that is there to be offer to the users of Melon.

It doesn’t matter where you are on a free version or a paid version. Because all the essential services such as privacy protection and internet security are design literally for all the users using this VPN.

This privacy protection insures all the users that their information is 100% safe on the platform.

Whereby all your everyday logs are not for any illegal practice. And upon entering the app you’re not require to register in order to use the app.

Hence literally no information is collect from you, neither email, phone number or password is collect, you’re all safe have nothing to worry about.

In case any information is collect from you, it would be when you’re willing to provide it. So, technically you not being subject to do anything unwilling.

Like entering the app so you are allow to use the app for as long as you want without getting to provide any information.

These cases are not regular, it’s either when you’re purchasing the premium version.

With a VIP features that has a little more advantageous stuff then the free version.

Details about Melon VPN

When we come to talk about the internet security. This is where we get to find WiFi security without anonymity.

Because with internet security you’re grants an option when you’re connect to a public hotspot WiFi, the safety is never guarantee. Why?

Because of high volume of people using it for different purpose and different intention making unreliable and can’t be trust.

In order to be safe here you’ll need to reach out to Melon VPN. To come and act as your security guard while you are connect to any public WiFi. Whether in the cafe, park, mall or wherever you are.

Just like a celebrity going in public place. You can picture any celebrity that you have ever seen in public. 

Everybody knows that public places are not safety for everyone because there are always a lot of people and not everyone have good intentions in public place.

That’s why people like celebrities goes to public with bodyguards in order to protect them.

AlSo read: What is tomato VPN and Why is it best free VPN

Deep dive into this VPN…

This is exactly what Melon VPN does for the users, on Melon everyone is a celebrity and a highly valued.

So, they makes sure that you’re protection and all cost by turning on your Melon VPN while connected to the public WiFi.

Your security internet traffic automatically goes from public network to private network. Just like your very your WiFi at home that you use alone or with the family.

All your internet connection encrypted it a heavy layer where no one can ever disturb or intruded to your into your online activities.

All your browsing is to come from private network hence nobody is allow from outside apart from you to have access to business.

There is also a great feature of unblocking restricted contents because of geo-restrictions.

You can easily bypass these geo-restrictions by getting connect to Melon VPN.

Which provides you with many servers from all around the world which you can use to get away from being block.

Here is how this works,

You first get yourself connect on the app by chosing the server locations that matches the location you want to get unblock from.

After all that is set and conduct, you can now gain access to the content you want.

Is that clear? I hope so but you didn’t get that then is okay, let us demonstrate in the following example;

Let’s say that you love watching Netflix video contents. Let’s assume you lives in Indonesia and you’re a big fan of the Dewayne Johnson (The Rock), his latest movie called “Black Adam” just came out.

Available on US Netflix and restricted for you because you’re in Indonesia.

(remember this is just example okay, I’m not sure if it’s unavailable in Indonesia or not).

In this condition, for you to have access to this contents on Netflix you’ll have to let the Netflix US confirm that your one of US residents.

And the way to do this is none other than getting connect to Melon VPN. Using the US servers such that your IP address shows up to the Netflix US location detector to be one of the local IP addresses and not an international IP address.

In depth of Melon VPN

Yes, that’s how it works, when you’re in your country, you’re going to one of the local people.

And when you in other country, you’re brand to be one of foreigners or international resident.

So, with this VPN your allow to be one locals anywhere around the world. Hence avoiding being block because of geo-restrictions policies.

This also brought us to talk about anonymity of users while using Melon VPN.

Since your IP address is change with change in servers it tells that once you’re connect to this VPN.

Your IP address is not displays as it was before getting connect.

Because before you gain the connection, your IP address is displays according to you local ISPs serves which gives the information you even your home address.

But once you’re connect to Melon, your servers automatically changes from your ISPs servers to another country’s servers.

This save users from online troubles like getting track and hack. Meaning that these cyber attackers are intentionally wrong information about you.

Which makes it impossible to them to anything from you. This is very refreshing from frustration, isn’t it? of course it’s.

Is Melon VPN safe?

These answers here is very typical according to everything we talk about so far. The answer is “YES” Melon is one of the safest VPN app outside there with no doubt. Everything said by the app is all guarantee when you get to use it.

What are safety measures to consider about the app? You should know the answer to this because there is no way you can just ask is the app safe when you don’t know what makes the app safe. Like what if I say “is it’s safe” and move on how.

How would you explain to someone who also want to know how safe this app is huh?

Tell me, would you say tell them that it is safe and that’s all… Don’t ask me again! That would be very awful. So, let’s talk about how safe the app is.

Here are how you know how safe is Melon VPN

Because it has a guarantee privacy protection, it keeps users anonymous online fully incognito. It has a network security that keeps users secured while connected to a public hotspot WiFi.

You wouldn’t called unblocking restricted contents a safety but we called masking users IP address a safety measure.

Because it helps users to stay anonymous online and not bother if being track online by online hackers, ISPs or government.

And that’s why it’s calls a virtual private network to keep users away from public restrictions imposes on mere users by these two parties like ISPs.

And government which are literally taking away regular internet users freedom. So the point is that Melon VPN is very safe for you to use to keep you safe on your day to day life on internet.

Is Melon VPN free?

The answer for this is yes Melon VPN is a free and paid VPN at the same time, depending on what interested a particular user.

The most and also depends on financial status of the user on the side of paid servers.

This actually one is another question that in have been getting any seeing a lot online. It’s asking mostly by people who has never use Melon VPN.

As a way for them to know what they’re are going to get when they download the app into their devices. I’m happy to address this today in this article.

And to those who have been asking this question it’s not bad to seek information about some you don’t know.

I mean all of us lives on learning and getting knowledge about the things we don’t know about.

For this case of Melon we all have options to choose from. So the choice is all yours, you get to choose what you want.

Whether you choose the free version and deal with ads (will explain more about ads below).

Or choose to get rid of ads once and for all by going premium where you pays for VIP servers.

What is different between free and paid version?

There are few difference between both versions but one thing is for sure.

And that’s you get faster connection compare to using your local server provide by your ISPs.

But still there that difference between between both version in speed.

Free version have ads displays frequently while premium version have no ads at all, it’s ads free.

Premium version have more regions from all over the world unlike free version which have limited regions.

Free version have limited connection in term of devices and uptime while premium version have unlimited connection.

You can literally connected all your device and still have a stable internet speed.

Premium version have a faster internet speed while free version have a bit slower internet speed but it’s still better then your normal internet speed without VPN.

Premium version unblocks everything online, websites, apps with any contents while free version unblocks limited contents with a less stronger restrictions.

What are the prices for Melon VPN

  1. Free version: Price = $0 >> Ads
  2. Premium version: Prices
    $1.99/week >> 50% off ($3.99)
    9.99/month >> 23% off ($12.99)
    29.99/year >> 80% off ($155.9)

Note: the prices in the bracket ( ) were the initial prices but the discount was imposed in order to make them affordable to the users who intends to purchase the premium version.

About the prices

Is purchasing premium package of Melon VPN worth it?

Yes, it’s worth because it comes with a lot of benefits to the users such as ads removal, faster internet speed, unblocking all the restricted contents anywhere on the internet and unlimited connection to multiple devices with guarantee uptime.

Also read: How to use Sec VPN for security and protection for 100% percentage free

How are the ads displayed on Melon VPN.

I have mentioned above that we’re going to discuss about the ads. So here comes to talk about this.

I been noticing something lately concerning the ads displayed on the the app.

After experience this when I was exploring the app and when on with my research to confirm whether I’m the only one experiencing the problem of too much ads.

Upon doing that I found out that a lot of users are also experiencing this very same ads problem.

We all know that ads can annoying a lot sometimes but still we’ll have to deal with them because we need the services.

Details following up on Melon VPN

As for me I understood that ads are the only way for the apps to compensate on the expenses involved in running the free services.

So, I wasn’t mad about it until later when all the time I’m on app I’ll have to watch 2 to 3 ads minimum.

If you stay for long on the app you would see more and more ads so I don’t know what is the maximum ads.

This is why I tagged the price for free version as ads after paying $0. So the point is that all the version have cost.

Only the difference is that you don’t actually pays with your own money from your account on free version. But all in all we have to comprehend with the developers.

The app is developed by team of Inf Security Studio developers who are independent.

They don’t have some multimillionaires or billionaires sponsoring their work. In order for developers to meet theirs needs, they rely on the ads revenue.

Melon VPN – free download

There are several ways on internet where you can easily download Melon VPN. So you’re recommended to download it from google play store for it being a reliable source to get all the updates on the app.

Melon VPN mod APK

You can also download this app in form mod APK. This kind of app version comes with a lot of features, sometimes even more features then the official one.

With the mode APK, app is modded which is more like app get reprogrammed. This is done by others developers who wants to benefit off the already produced service.

You can get it here >>> Download

Melon VPN for iOS

Wait, is it really possible to download Melon VPN in iOS (iPhone, iPad, Mac)? Yes it’s quite possible just like how easy it’s to download Melon VPN in android device.

Meaning that you can literally download it on official app store or just through APK form. But as for my recommendation, I’d tell you to download it App Store.

Here >>> Download

Melon VPN for PC

Yes, good question, Melon VPN is also available for PC users and you can get all the benefits, features that mobile users gets so just go download on Memu Play emulator and launch then open Google Play Store and search for Cool VPN Pro then finally download it and enjoy.

But that’s just a long process, so we have another better way as a shortcut, the same on Memu Play. This way you don’t have to go through downloading Memu emulator and stuff. You’ll just download it straight to your PC.

Here >>> Download

Is Melon VPN good?

Melon VPN is a very good VPN as far as users privacy protection and faster internet speed is concerned.

It does couple other things too like unblocking restricted contents are provided security on public hotspot WiFi.

I mean isn’t it obvious that Melon VPN is a good VPN way better then so many VPNs out there on google play store earning itself almost 5 stars rating as it’s right now having 4.4 stars rating.

I’m very sure that if you have been reading along from starting of this article, you have already make up your mind about how you can now view Melon VPN.

In conclusion

Melon VPN is good VPN with a lot pros and one disturbing con which is availability of too much ads on the app apart from the ads issue, the app is perfect.

I will be waiting for your comments in the comments section below, I’ll be happy to respond back to you.

Please don’t forget to join us on Telegram and YouTube.

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