How to setup TLS Tunnel for free internet

Criszy Parry

TLS Tunnel blew up back in 2021 when people were just getting to understand that they can really have access to internet for absolute zero cost.

This process was highly influenced and promoted by YouTubers who used to post bunch of tip and tricks of how anyone can get free internet.

Some where showing viewers how to finesse their local ISPs on the local networks.

And some of the tricks were worldwide until later when some local ISPs figured out what was going on.

TLS Tunnel

From there a lot of these free VPNs rise that assisted people to gain access to internet for free.

On top of their services were restrictions and all the underground tunnel trick where block.

TLS Tunnel and Ha Tunnel Plus we ones of the. I remember some of my subscribers from Uganda at that time were spamming my inbox email and comments section on Uganda. Reaching out for help ask these stopped working

In depth of TLS

What did I do? I studied the situation to see how abrupt was this and after trying out multiple servers. Alongside others alternative like different SNI host.

I later understand that it was something being setup by ISPs whose business was affect.

By the method of free internet even though every deserve have access to internet regardless their financial status.

It been a long way though for TLS Tunnel to finally hit the mainstream spot in the industry. Of free VPN where the competition is getting higher and higher every year.

Because at this time almost all the free VPN want to do whatever it takes to get on top of the game.

Because these free VPNs like TLS Tunnel with millions of users are no secret that they are taking big bags. Every month from the ads revenue and that’s a fraction of what they make every year.

Not to mention that apart from this VPN Ads revenue. They still make some little more money from their paid subscription. This is for those VPN which does have a paid subscription unlike TLS Tunnel because only meant to be free (with ads).

What is TLS Tunnel?

It’s a VPN design purposely to bridge the gap between between the users are internet freedom. The restrictions imposed by ISPs and the government.

TLS Tunnel is one of the rare VPN that without hesitation takes vows to guarantee anonymity, privacy, internet freedom to the users.

Because it does have what it takes to fulfilled everything the promised. This means that TLS Tunnel has multiple proprietary protocol fully equipped.

With tons of servers that helps to keep you on roll with all your desire to use on internet. There nothing like limited information when connected to TLS Tunnel.

Everything is all yours to look at, learn something, purchased something everywhere on internet.

Running through the lines of privacy protection, anonymity guarantee. And internet security (internet freedom) when people lives are secure the country is brands to have freedom.

Whereby any can decide to take a trip and hundred miles or more across the country. And no one can ask stop you on your way.

The same applies to when one is connect to TLS Tunnel, one is free browse the whole internet. From websites created 100 miles or more away and no one can restrictions you browsing.

More info

This is something that many of us may related to. If you have any been told that you can’t access a certain contents.

Just because you’re a stranger which is one of the restrictions that we’re talking about here.

Hindering users from the freedom they deserve as the results of their geographical location.

I mean even the world rules have come with what is calls “human rights”. Whereby everyone deserves to have right to have what they want humanly. I mean it’s not a crime for some to seek for free internet, privacy protection, anonymity and freedom online.

So, we understand that person seeking for these is not violating any laws. As we google loyal publishers work hands in hands with the what is lawful.

What doesn’t go against the a certain countries laws when we’re providing information. And this why we included disclaimers on our contents.

To assure that we don’t any illegal practice intentionally in case the practice of our contents is view illegal by whichever country’s law and google is a source of information to the whole world.

Whereby is someone from youngest country in the world (South Sudan) search something like TLS Tunnel on google it will relatively get the same results as someone in United States or United kingdom.

How to use TLS Tunnel?

This is really question you should be asking if you’re new to TLS Tunnel. Because this is not like any other regular VPN you have seen so far on our website or any part of the internet.

It’s always technical and hard to used if you really have no tech knowledge or whatsoever.

I’m not saying you should be a science technology graduate in order to use it or have some super tech knowledge.

What am saying is that you need at least a little bit of tech related knowledge in out to use it.

And to use it, you need to set it up and the setup process is tricky if you’re someone with no experience in these kind of stuff hence making it usage hard at times because to use it.

it’s not just about getting connect by just click on connect button. Like what if you don’t the disconnection occured how still will you be using it.

This means that to effectively use it you’ll have to know how to pick it since it part of using it.

So here is how to use TLS Tunnel:

  1. You’ll have to to know how to setup
  2. You’ll also know how to fix it connection problem like random disconnection.

We’ll explain about how to do fix connection problems in case you experience such below. When you’re later connect on the app here (well explain how to setup TLS Tunnel below).

So here are how you can fix any disconnection that may occur later:

How to fix disconnection on TLS Tunnel

You’ll need to change the SNI host because there are possibilities of the SNI host your using may be block abruptly. Okay sir, the point is understood by where can I get another SNI host?

Everything is sort out for you, you’ll get the SNI host for your country. Or specifically for your network on the following space link to the list of all SNI host.

Now the issue of SNI host problem is solved you’ll have to think if what another problem else comes up with I’m using my TLS Tunnel, what I’m supposed to do?

Good question, here is what you’ll have to do, before you get work up or stress out. Just because your VPN got disconnection, you’ll have to first identify the problem how did it happen and when it happened.

Because there is a possibility of crashing due to accumulation of logs attempt. As far as the valuing users privacy, your logs are not kept.

Instead your logs goes straight to the cache and when there is too cache the app starts to have a slow connection and random disconnection.

So to solve this issue you’ll have to follow the following procedures:

  1. Disconnection your connection or stop trying to connect your TLS Tunnel if it’s not already connect.
  2. Close the app and going to the phone settings.
  3. Click on app management
  4. Proceed to click on app settings
  5. Search for TLS Tunnel and click on it
  6. Click on force stop
  7. Then tap on storage and cache
  8. Now click on clear cache
  9. Then get back to open the app and try to connect it and you’ll definitely get connect.

With the above two fixes, you should be good to enjoy your connection and be in a good position of being rest assure.

Of free internet with the privacy protection being on track along with anonymity and internet security all in one tap connection after you have setup all the ground work.

Connect TLS Tunnel

It’s not even that hard to connect TLS Tunnel for free internet or just for online protection purpose. So, don’t stress out we’ll show you everything in just a sec.

As to follow up… Yes, it’s a rule that one must do something at least before they start to enjoy being in a better situation. The same applied to the TLS Tunnel.

The cycle goes on and on though the amount of work is not pass on in the same quantity in how heavy the work one has to do.

It’s all started with the developers of this app, I hope you know how tiresome and stressful coding can be. What’s coding?

Like come on, there a lot be said just try to do some research at your free time. But is okay I’ll brief tell you one or two about it.

It’s actually what makes up all the app you’re using everyday. Let me refer it as programming perhaps you have heard of that before. So, let’s go back to the TLS Tunnel cycle.

It starts with the developers, the tech middleman (Tech YouTubers and Tech authors) who explains everything like what we’re doing now.

Then pass on to you the users who will have to take your time to learn about how it’s used, fixed, setup and more from the tech middlemen like what you’re doing now.

Everything said above after the fixed procedure were all mean to prepare you for the next up topic which is literally why we’re all here so there we go.

How to setup TLS Tunnel

At the connection setup section there are three methods that are available for users to until and get the best free internet out of two because one of the method is actually not necessarily for free internet because it came with charges.

Here are the 3 three methods:

  1. Default method
  2. Custom method
  3. DNS Tunnel method

So let’s start to covers these connection settings one by one.

1. Default method:

This method is actually not for free internet because you’ll need to have some data in your mobile phone in order to use it though you still get the benefits from being connected.

Meaning you can still have what other connection methods have such as privacy protection, being anonymous online and internet security.

All you need to do here is absolutely nothing apart from click the connect be the method is the actual method that you’ll find insert automatically on the app.

So, the all you need is to have some data in your phone and then click on connect button. From there you should be connected with no any objections.

  1. Custom method:
  2. Download and install TLS Tunnel from google play store
  3. Open it and click on connection method
  4. Click on the click on the small arrow you’ll see.
  5. Choose the custom method
  6. You’ll see three things under the custom method namely payload, SNI host and proxy.

More steps to TLS Tunnel

8.Type in the SNI host. (keep reading to see where to get the host from)

  1. Click save on the right side next to connection method.
  2. Click on auto under the port
  3. click on the small arrow pointing down
  4. Select T 433 (you may also choose T 80 depending on your country but I don’t recommended)
  5. Then click on apply
  6. Click on automatic under the server
  7. Select the server of your choice (United States and United kingdom servers are highly recommended)
  8. Click on start
  9. Wait a moment until you’re connected.

After all of that you should be good to enjoy your free internet connection. It’s as simple as that.

Now let’s talk about the SNI host part we promise to cover below here. Firstly I would recommend you to use as a general sample SNI host regradless the network you’re using or the country you’re in.

But in case it doesn’t work for you or in your country for some reason. It’s perfect fine don’t stress it because Techy Income got your back in everything. We have the whole list of SNI host prepared for you with variety of countries.


How to create TLS Tunnel files

Is very simple to create the file which you can share across your devices or share it with your friends and family since there is no a limited amount of people you should shared the files with.

  1. Open you TLS Tunnel app
  2. Click on the file next to the pen at your right hand side
  3. Select export configuration, the first one.
  4. Type in the name of the file you’re creating
  5. Check the block method
  6. Here check the add description/message. Do this if you want to or just leave it.
  7. Click on share the file
  8. Save it in your device
  9. Search for it in your device
  10. Start sharing it with anyone.

TLS Tunnel APK

You can’t easily download the APK on APKPure. It’s a trusted and a reliable website for APK apps.

Because you don’t have to stamp around leaving your footprint everywhere (leaving your information everywhere) because some of these APK website could steal your information and use it against you.

TLS Tunnel Pro APK

You can get it on because it literally contain both mod and pro APK which unlocked all the premium features.

This is slightly different from the above one as you can see that there is a little when you try to read the both heading and the difference is word pro.

This means that it’s a premium version being given out to users for free while the other one is just a normal APK more like app on google play store.


In conclusion

TLS is a good VPN trust by over 10,000,000 users in terms of downloads around the world will a considerable rating of 4.1 which do the most taking that millions of users are satisfied with the services offered by this VPN.

You’re highly welcome to try out and experience the satisfaction by yourself.

Before you leave make sure to leave your thoughts below and I’ll be to read and reply your comments.

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