VPN 360 - download iOS, PC and android | review

Criszy Parry

When we talk about free VPN, it’s more like a tradition to includes VPN 360. Most especially in the field of tech professional authors where truth and honest matters in feeding the users with information.

Information given to users at certain VPN should be accurate and reasonably analyze before publishing it to the users.

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The same applied to this VPN 360 article, And that’s why you always see only one author. On this website to make sure that the information given to our readers is never bias.

360 VPN

The truth must be said regardless how some people may feel about what goes on. In VPN apps such of crashes and expected disconnection.

Which makes users feel like app is being bogus all negative thoughts. Just because the app couldn’t work on their expectations for like a day or two.

This type of picky feeling makes users jumped straight into conclusion on throwing all the negativity on the app review.

As for the case of VPN 360 I haven’t seen a lot of negativity. Coming from its users which shows that people are loving it.

But still there is always negative people in every community, right? Yes, so do we have them in this community of VPN 360.

So From here we’ll have to cut it short on point by starting the whole discovery. Everything that people all over the internet are asking about this VPN app.

As for the case of how good and bad this VPN is. It will all be include as we go deep as you keep reading through.

What is VPN 360

Just to brainstorm, I’ll tell you that it’s what it sounds like. Huh? Yes, how does it sound like, you know it! Okay I know it but I don’t understand.

That’s the voice in the head of someone reading this right now. Well take a rewind to our school days.

Is okay, take it easy don’t skip this even though you have personal issues with school. I promised I’m not giving you a hard task in definition of VPN 360.

Do you remember anything about angles in mathematics? Of your do! Alright the point is that the maximum angles was 360 and I believe it’s still the same up to date.

Now projects this logic on the given name of this VPN. which is “VPN 360” Here is what it means.


VPN 360 is a maximum angle virtual private network that is comprise with multiple users benefits. Such as privacy protection, content unblocking and one of the best unlimited proxy.

That’s how simple we can define this VPN. As we have mentioned before that all our articles must be on point, verified with relevance. Or accuracy of the information constructed from from available reliable sources like google play store.

Where everything about these most apps including VPN 360 presented if not explain, it’s at least outline.

Giving tech authors any opportunity to analyze and explain things to the users who seeks information about the certain service.

Let’s proceed with getting to know what VPN 360 is. I know you maybe thinking that why am I even talking about this? When we all know that app, like we have seen it already long time ago.

More info

That’s not it, there more you need to know about this VPN app. If you’re planning to be using it as your primary VPN. Later if you get satisfy with the everything about it. From the information availed to you in this article by the end of this article.

VPN 360 is original develop by the Pango GmbH team of developers who are in partnership with Touch VPN.

In both developing apps and handling users data in the safest possible way. The app was publish or released on google play store on 12th November 2017.

So, the app has been in this VPN industry for a little longer now. Than many of the new VPNs who just hit the industry.

While doing some mad numbers hence being a lot popular at the moment. Such of Wire tun, Ha Tunnel Plus and many others.

Realtime stats from the day of its released this VPN have been crashing their set targets. Making its way to reaching milestones whereby it’s now standing up tall on the peak of 5,000,000 users community.

What is VPN 360 used for?

Straight answer, VPN 360 is use for privacy protection and unblocking restrictions contents on websites or app.

There you got the answer, it’s use for only two (2) purpose as mention above. No need to wonder why is the whole VPN is only develop only 2 purpose.

Because the keyword in that statement is “main”, whereby the two main purpose are later breakdown into small pieces.

Small pieces? Yes small small valuable piece like the pieces of diamond. Do you know how valuable and precious a small piece of diamond is?

If you know it then that’s exact same way we’re looking at the small pieces of VPN 360 beneficial features.

So let’s talk about this, what are these things we’re talking about. And how can effectively to get use them in a corresponding with stable connection without crashes coming up.

Before we start breaking down everything, I would like to get your careful attention. On the matters that are going to be cover below.

Because this is where the real app review started from. Where all the truth from the experience and research carried out is going to be unveil for all our readers satisfaction mostly especially you who is reading this.

You are an important part of Techy Income family, your existence on our website encourages us to continue striving in what we do.

Also read: How to set TLS Tunnel VPN for free internet

Also read: How is Melon VPN the best free VPN on internet

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Because you act as a fuel which keeps car moving, meaning when we see people consuming our information we provided.

It simply means that are multiple numbers of people outside there seeking for information that we can give them.

Despite the fact that we’re an independent contents writers leads by our only one only author Criszy.

We obviously don’t have millions of dollars to invest in supporting our work and pushing it features. We just choose to do what we do and ignore the negativity.

Just like how we’re writing about VPN 360 today when we show have just closed the office. And just go outside there on street to make some big bags with the homies in the block.

Note: This review article is not sponsored by VPN 360 or anyone neither is this article meant to bring to the app or anyone.

Not sponsored

The main purpose for the existence of VPN 360 are to be privacy protection and unblocking restricted contents.

And we’re going to breakdown these two into smaller pieces as we already agreed on this up there.

Privacy protection:
This comes with like of;

Personal data security
Data encryption
Network security

Unblocking all contents:
This includes many such as;

Anonymous surfing
IP address changing
Many servers fast internet connection speed.

I hope it now makes sense to you why it was pack up in only 2 main categories.. As the line of focus in the business. And all the micro features are cover and took care of. 

As soon as the team is divide into two along the lines of main purpose which are only. Making VPN 360 developers consider strict with assigned programs. Like making sure all the users personal data is protect on the side of privacy protection.

And the same under unblocking all restricted contents from anyone app or website. 

Where by a department of unblocking websites and apps could make a committee by assigning a certain number of developers to handle a certain feature. 

Like IP address change where by their job is to make sure that users actual IP addresses are hide away.

Making sure the users internet traffic appears as the generated fake IP address instead of the real on. 

The one that comes with the servers from the VPN app. For example there is a variety of servers available on VPN 360, around 100+ servers location which comprises of many countries around the world.

Mini features

All the mini features that broke out of the main purpose of privacy protection. And unblocking restricted contents are quite related and generally important to the users like you are me. Regardless whichever the VPN app you’re you’re using its important. That your prioritize these whenever you’re trying to start using another VPN primarily.

Because everything mentioned under both main purposes whereby;

Personal data security:

Is do not even some that you need Tech gurus to preach to you about it. So, that you can start taking it seriously not just now when you’re dealing with VPN 360. But this is something that should on your forehead storage. In that way, you’ll always cater for the how secure is your personal data.

While using a certain VPN or certain service on the internet such of paid service. Because if you don’t get to be assure of your privacy protection. 

And still proceed to throw your information out there then only word of comfort when you lost your stuff like bank information includes pin is that “chill, you knew everything”.

Data encryption:

This is more like the above but here what is protected, in another hand is encrypted. It’s not actually the personal data in term of already produced information like the one in 5 years ago. This one deals with your day to day producing info and all the activities that goes on on your your space.

All the activities that runs through your internet traffic is under encryption. So, no one can ever know what you’re up to while you’re online browsing.

Network Security:

This is what protect your online present in the public place which you get to use Wifi hotspot with tons of other people where by online attack would simply intruded to your information and rob you in a daylight.

For that reason, VPN 360 have signed up to take up the job if making sure that you’re as safe as you’re using your home wifi hotspot. Because when you’re connect to this app, you automatically creates a private internet over a public internet.

At the part of unblocking all the content we have mentioned some of mini purpose which contribute in making it a second main purpose as shown below.

Anonymous surfing:

Not everyone knows about this and I’m sure everyone who wants this in their daily internet life if everyone is provided with the essential education about why you need a surf or browse the web anonymously.

This is what keeps VPN 360 users all over the internet safe and sound from online hackers who tracks people from what the do online like a pathway of getting their desired information like acquiring your passwords and bank info.

IP address changing:

This is what has the greatest effect on the purpose of unblocking websites and apps contents all over the internet for example gaming, audio and video streaming platforms like Spotify and Netflix.

This enable users to switch their respective initial IP addresses with the the given variety of IP addresses on VPN 360 hence making users traffic showed up in the content providers detective system to be one of the local IP addresses.

For instance, If you are in Saudi Arabia and you want have access to a certain USA Netflix contents which is perhaps blocks for you. 

All you’d have to do at that state is to just open your VPN 360 and choose USA server then click on connect and once it’s connected. You’ll be good to enjoy that certain video content on Netflix USA.

Many servers with fast internet connection speed:

This is where you’re provided with over 100 servers location just for you to choose from in case you get to experience with trouble with one server, you’ll still have 99 other servers to try out and get back to your stable.

With these over 100 servers, they are being used by millions of people all around the global because they are well optimize with one of the fastest the speed in the VPN industry.

Is VPN 360 safe

Simple answer, yes very safe. It’s because it’s safe that’s why it’s one of the most rated free VPN on both goggle plays store and app store whereby few people where unfortunate to have thoughts that negativity affect the app.

The app provided privacy protection and unblocking restricted contents on all available on the internet with the help of internet traffic encryption and internet security and I think this is all it takes to view a VPN as safe.

VPN 360 also help users to browse the web anonymously as users are left with nothing to worry about while browsing on the internet and this contribute the safety of users while connected to VPN 360. 

Not just to anonymous browse the internet but you’re also provided with network security to protect from getting rob by cyber attackers.

For the matter of logs, VPN 360 clearly stated that they don’t keep users logs neither so they collects users data. 

But not just like most VPN apps which claims this and later proceed to leaking using logs and data to the third parties or the government. 

For example Super VPN was accused of leaking users info to FBI by website called Safety detectives website in their Super VPN review article.

More about safety

For logs and users data are handled with care according to what I understood when I was doing my research to see how safe is this VPN. 

The openly tells users that minimal data may be collected and from you while using VPN 360 and it’ll be heavily protected with safety guarantee of your collected data.

This may sound crazy to someone but here is the point and conditions of collecting minimal data from you. 

Your data is collected to measure the needful improvement of service and some data is collected to help in identification of the users. For instance the email addresses and payment information for billing if you are to use the paid service.

How is this information is protected? It’s protection the aura. Aura is a heavy weight American intelligent digital safety company that protect whatever information given to them with guarantee of forever safety.

In Details to this article

Aura is subdivided into four particular company taking care of a certain amount of information as they have large volume client like VPN 360 which dropped over 5,000,000 users information to be secured and protected at all costs by the Aura.

It actually not just operating in USA even though they are open to anyone or any company in that world that have data to be protected. There is one Aura company in Swiss.

Here are the companies that full-time protect your data that you provided to VPN 360.

  1. Get Aura Inc; it’s a United States company under Aura
  2. Aura Sub, LLC; this is also a United States company
  3. Aura Growth GmbH; this is a Swiss company under the same umbrella of Aura
  4. TouchVPN, Inc; this the same as TouchVPN brand you probably know and it’s also a United States company which is not necessarily seem to be under Aura since it’s an individual brand hence giving us that it’s affiliating with Aura to help the with the maximum protection if their clients which you the users while VPN 360 acts as a middleman in this business.

Is VPN 360 free?

It’s VPN 360 is a free VPN and also a paid VPN. This gives users an options of what to go for deepening on their budget.

Whereby if you don’t want to paid for a VPN, you can easily used the provided free version with some limits and if you don’t want to have any limitations while using this VPN, you can easily go for a premium version.

Here are the cost of using VPN 360:

Free version: Price = free >> $0/forever
Premium version: Price = $11.99/month

Here are the benefits that comes with premium version which you can get on the free version.

  1. You get over 100 servers location in actual total of 125 location on premium version while you only get one server at times picked automatically, so you get to select your server on free version
  2. Faster speed is guaranteed on premium version unlike on free version
  3. Allowed to get connected to 10 devices of all kinds on premium version while only 1 device is allowed on free version.
  4. No ads displays on the on premium version while ads and displays on the free version.

Does VPN 360 hide IP address?

Yes, it does. whereby your initial IP address is covered by the auto generated IP address the very moment you get connected to VPN 360.

Is VPN 360 good?

Yes it’s very good VPN that we recommend to someone who is seeking for safety and privacy protection only. But before you fall for any of these information given online, study how the information start like. 

I mean we can all see when someone if purposely being ignorance and egotistical. Same to when someone is being honest and not inducing.

Because I came around one of this very VPN review and I saw someone talking of VPN 360 to be only mobile VPN while it’s does supports windows. 

That’s when I started to pay more attention to see if this person even know that he’s talking about. 

And also went on with too much easily spotted ignorance shading this VPN by brand to unreliable, it security is and privacy is weak and I was like bro what are you even saying?

VPN 360 users security and privacy is all handled by a reputable company in this field called Aura. So I came to conclusion that didn’t do any research before writing, I guessed he was just have a lazy day.

I won’t mention the website here because I don’t want them come after my website with DDoS attack but that blog post was posted on 22nd September 2022. In case you see this. Bro it’s nothing personal just updated your review with a realtime information lol thanks.

Download VPN 360

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In conclusion:

VPN 360, provided tons of values and benefits to the users in both free and paid version exceeding the cost like watching ads on free version or paying $11.99 for premium version. Take you time to read through the whole article and take so concepts about this VPN.

In case you have any questions, suggestions or whatever just let us know in the comments section below.

Please I insist, you’re invite to join us on Telegram and YouTube so we can build this family together.

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