Power VPN - Fast secure VPN download | review

Criszy Parry

To start this article, let me say, without crashes. Power VPN is undoubtedly one of the most powerful VPN. We are going to go through it in this article. We’re going to eliminate and approve some of the claims of this VPN.

But before we proceed, what are the recent crashes I’m saying? Well, we’ll take a deep dive into that later. As by the time of writing this article, it’s mid December 2022.

Some of the Power VPN users who are reading this may know about the recent issues. We’ll try to give the possible solution to as we keep the article going.

But for our readers who are new to Power VPN, we’ll first give you a closer look into what this VPN is and how far it has come over the years of operating.

This VPN has been very helpful to hundreds of thousands if not millions of users all around the world. Just like any other VPN, it has ups and downs which we know to talk about. 

Simple intro about Power VPN

So here we’re going to talk about everything that comes with Power VPN. That’s why you have seen in the title.

It’s a full app review and what we are going to talk about will vary from users’ experience and our own research on the app. So everything necessary will be cover in this article.

Before we start with any features or what the app does and doesn’t do. Allow me to give you a little intro about this app.

Little intro in order to get you a little bit of a clue about what we’re going to be talking about throughout this whole article.

That way it will be easy for you to comprehend with everything stated in this article.

Here are some of the things that we are going to discover in this article. Like on a main scale as you keep reading:

  • What is Power VPN?
  • Is Power VPN safe?
  • Is Power VPN secure?
  • How to use Power VPN?
  • Power VPN download
  • Power VPN mod APK
  • Power VPN for PC

What is Power VPN? 

Power VPN is an internet security virtual private network which protects users’ privacy and vanishes users’ IP addresses, accompanied with a fast internet connection.

It’s a VPN that keeps users anonymous online by hiding users’ IP addresses and users’ DNS servers. (we’re going to talk about this below).

There are a lot of great features that could be used to describe Power VPN in general. So, we’ll discover each and every feature that makes up this VPN existence as the article keeps going.

As for the matter of experience, this VPN has a lot of experience with meeting the user’s interest.

It’s downloaded over 10,000,000 time by different in the world. And certain groups may have the same taste and experience with the app.

While other small section may be completely opposite to what others have to say about the app.

So in our research we attached some of these users concerned about the app. We’ll probably share some with you as you keep reading.

As I mentioned the experience, someone may ask how long this app has really been existing? Well, this app has been existing since 14th of August, 2019.

Yes, you heard it right, so do the math. I believe we all know how to workout such. Like I’m not going to do it for you. I’m sorry, you’ll have to do it for yourself at least for once.

So, from 2019 to 2022, Power VPN has already put up over 10,000,000 downloads on Google Play Store.

Meaning it’s essential and helpful to millions of android users around the world without even verifying anything about the app.

You can see that it has a great influence on people, which only means people engage with it that much better. It has positive feedback on people’s expectations.

Still, this does mean we have confirmed that everything is okay with the power. This is just a guess from what we see from outside. 

And what matters a lot is what is on the inside of the app, so follow us into exploring the app to personally tell you what the app is really is with the information we all agreed with from a reliable source. So we’re going make this review article transparent as much as possible.

There are a lot of things to discover about Power VPN that nobody is talking about on Google. We all come to look for information.

I did my research thoroughly. You wouldn’t believe that it took me a day and half to get all the information provided here together just for you the readers. So we’ll discover this thing one by one.

Is Power VPN safe? 

The answer here is very typical for anyone who has ever used this VPN. It’s 100% safe VPN because it doesn’t keep users’ logs and it hides users’ IP addresses which guarantee safety while connected to it.

It took me sometimes before I came to this conclusion to brand it safe. You want to know how I know it’s safe? If yes, then I did what I did on snap VPN and VPN Monster.

Check any of these VPNs out and you’ll see that I transparently did both DNS leak and IP address check. These are what determines if VPN is really safe to use by anyone.

I understood that not everyone knows how these VPN policies or techy stuffs work and that’s Why you see the way of approach on any subject matter in our website is little bit different from where other tech bloggers or author do there.

Because here we believe that information can only be fully understood when it’s effectively altered or articulated.

Insight review about power VPN

So, in this matter of Power VPN you have seen so far that we have been trying a lot to make everything sound simple to be comprehend by anyone, whether a newbie or pro in the tech world.

With that being said, upon our research, which led us to write this article. There are the things we consider to help us to find the truth about the safety of Power VPN.

And the things we considered were typically the most important thing that anyone could consider in order to tell if the VPN is doing its job probably.

So we went on to check if our IP address was hide way because this is very important for users’ safety while online and also check if our DNS server was getting leak on the internet.

We also went ahead and checked the users’ privacy policy to see what they say about their service’s safety while we’re relating it to our research outcome. 

Review of research on this VPN

After all of that, we proceed to hear what users have to say about the app safety. And we combine all these results from our research and come up with the decision that the Power VPN is 100% 

So there you get where safety comes from. We have mention above that you get a better understanding of your IP address and DNS server leak tests are in some of our articles, which are…

VPN Monster, Snap VPN, one of the fastest and best internet connections or VPN monster world’s fastest secure virtual private network review.

Now you know how we got everything about IP address and DNS done and articulated here. It’s high time we went ahead and checked out what users have to say about the safety of Power VPN.

Understanding about Power VPN

You’ll get to understand better how it contributes to the IP address and DNS server leak tests. So below you can see what one of the users said about the safety matter.

Five stars rating

Above, there is a screenshot of one of the users who goes by the name Thomas Jent who came through with an honest review with a lot of gratitude towards the app for keeping him safe on the internet.

This was actually what we wanted to hear from a regular user like you and there you finally got the answer from one of your fellow users.

Users’ reviews really matter to us when we are doing this kind of app review, because all of our answers come from what the app is offering to the users, so we go ahead to confirm that the app really does.

What it says to do and then come back to test, functionality and check users’ experience and then linked them with our experience when we were doing research then mixed up these to produce a quality answer.

Is Power VPN secure?

Yes it’s secured. The reason being that it uses a secure VPN tunnel, more like military-grade security which encrypts users’ traffic while connected to it. 

This question is more like the above one which was “Is power VPN safe”. So, in a normal sense, something being safe means it’s secured.

So the same applies here even though there is a little understanding of individuals that may get involved in this conversation.

Safety simply’ covers users’ privacy protection while connected to the VPN, while security covers the same thing on a different team, like securing users’ internet, which is the same as protection of users’ privacy.

Does that make sense to you? Of course, yes, but if it does, then hear this out.

When your internet traffic is shielded from your privacy, instead your device can’t be touch by anyone most especially there people these people with the bad deeds.

Like cyber attacks who could it intruded in your device space and starts collecting as much as possible information about you which could be used against your assets.

Meaning, this so-called security is all determined by checking if the users IP address is secured and protected, so you’ll easily get to know if your internet is secured by a VPN.

Because when your IP address is hidden, it simply means that your internet is not exposed. Hence, yes, power VPN is secured.

Also read: Is VPN Monster best VPN alternative for you?

How to use Power VPN?

To use power VPN, you don’t need to register or do something hard configuration settings. It’s just one tap away from getting connected straight.

This is what makes it a lot easier for the average user who barely has no knowledge about how the hard internet configurations are done.

Things like creating files, exporting files and importing files. This makes it hard for a lot of users who don’t want to spend their time learning how these things are done.

So, the developers’ team of power VPN understood the assignment and designed this in the users’ best interest.

If we just keep it solid with our readers who may be new to Power VPN, we’ll give you a few steps you need to take in order to get connected to Power. We urge you to follow the following steps if necessary.

1. Download Power VPN on Google Play Store.

2. Install it and launch it on your device.

3. Make sure your mobile data or WiFi is on

4. Tap on the connect button.

5. Start enjoying your internet conveniently

How to solve disconnection crashes on Power VPN?

There are several ways to solve these random crashes that have been happening frequently on this VPN.

Remember I have mentioned this above in the beginning of this article review because recently users have been unpleased with the current update.

I have thoroughly looked into this problem by myself after hearing from a lot of users that the app is now getting worse and worse every day as one can get connected now and 10 – 20 minutes later you’ll get disconnected from nowhere on the Power VPN and this is just something that just happened. It has been occurring for awhile now.

And this is why I decided to address it in this article. Like, if users can’t get a stable internet connection, then what’s the point of using a VPN that can’t give you the convenience you expect to have when you download the VPN to help attain a better internet experience.

Before we proceed to giving the solution about how you can overcome these random disconnection crashes on Power VPN.

Let’s first see what your fellow users have to say about this issue so we can understand and know what to address.

Users’ reviews on power VPN

Apart from the complaint, I have been getting personal on my email. I went ahead and checked out the recent reviews of the users. The screenshot below will tell you what they said.

The above screenshot clearly represented the voice of most users who are struggling with the problem of random disconnection crashes on the Power VPN. I think I have to write what they have already said in the screenshot above. 

So basically, to wrap this up, I’ll say that it is something to do with the recent or few recent updates on the app version or so.

Instead of calling the app out and getting bitter at their services, which were once okay. I thought it wouldn’t be a great idea so I went on to try out the necessities possible in order to get rid of these crashes.

So I’ll be showing you the things that I did in person to gain a fully functioning Power VPN even though it was as good as it was before the update.

It was a lot helpful in getting back on the app. Alright, what are these things that I did to solve the disconnection problem?

The following are what I did to solve the disconnection problems. I suggest you try them out too.

1. Stop trying to connect to the app and first close it.

2. Go to the settings on your phone and click on the app management.

3. Search for VPN Power and click on it

4. Tap on the force stop

5. Click on security and cache

6. Clear cache and also clear storage

7. Go back to your home screen and then open the app again.

8. Tap on connect and you’ll definitely be connected for the long run.

By doing that, you’ll get a connection that will last compared to the 5 minute connection that you were probably facing.

But I tell you what? That’s not the only way you can try to get away from these crashes. It is one of two things you should try.

Everything is likely to be the same. As far as my experience with multiple VPNs is concerned, I’ll let you try these two things out.

1. Uninstall and reinstall the app.

2. Changing the server, try different countries’ servers. In that one, two or more ways work for you. It’s just another alternative if the first wasn’t for you.

Another option to solve any connections difficulties on power VPN

In  case these crashes keep insisting, I would recommend you to reach out to the Power VPN support team on their official email: powervpn2017@yahoo.com perhaps perhaps they would help you out with their troubleshooting guide. 

So the above are some of the tactics I have been using lately. As I said, not only did it work on the Power VPN but in many other VPN where I encountered such problems.

So you can also learn these simple start to help you deal with any other VPN related issues like this in a future.

Is Power VPN free?

Yes, it’s a free VPN app with some ads, but users can still purchase the premium version of it. So it’s either way around that the user may prefer.

Most of the users prefer the free version, though a small number of users prefer to use the premium version, which is the one with the most important and better features that are available on the app. 

What is the price of the premium Power VPN?

There is one subscription on this VPN and the cost is relatively low, as users are charged for only US$3.99/month. 

But before you’re charged with the state amount, you’re first given a 3-day trial so that you can experience what premium servers taste like.

In case you’re not satisfied with how the premium servers work, you can simply cancel the trial before the end of 3 days.

Power VPN download

This is the most common result your will ever see on Google regarding VPN Power. Most VPNs outside there are obviously not adding new information to users concerned about the apps.

Not just this VPN alone. So, basically, when you type this keyword on Google, the most results you’ll get would be APK download and so on.

The point is that there are a lot of sources outside there that could allow you to download power VPN in your device regardless the device you’re using.

You can download it on your iPhone, iPad, Android, at least I can mention.

Power VPN for PC

As I said, you can literally use this VPN on any device you want to use it on as it doesn’t really is even a PC. Now you know that you get this app on your PC how can you download it on your PC? 

Good question, there is apparently more than one way to get this app onto your PC today and not tomorrow. And I’m going to show you how you can go about that. 

Ways to download Power VPN to your PC.

First option

1. Download the Memu and set it up

2. Launch the Memu and then open Google Play Store

3. Search for Power VPN

4. Download it and install it onto your PC

5. Launch it and start enjoying a secured and protected internet connection 

Second option.

1. Open your browser and search for apkchargesurpc.com

2. On the website search for Power VPN

3. Download it and install it on your PC

4. Launch it on your PC and start to enjoy their services.

Power VPN mod APK

There are tons of Apks on Google that you can download anytime from now without having to go through any difficulties to get onto your device.

The website I can recommend for you to download this APK is APKPure

Is Power VPN good?

Yes, it’s a good VPN that could really be helpful to anyone as it helps protect and secure users’ privacy and the whole internet traffic.

It also helps users to unblock the restricted content on the internet. In the case of unblocking, users can simply get connected to any server of their choice that matches the geographic location where the blocked content is and bypass the geo-restrictions.

In conclusion,

Power is still one of the trustworthy VPN outside there even though it has lately haven’t been that good. We, anyway, provided the solution to the crash problems so we think it’s worth trying out and, hopefully, you won’t encounter any problems.

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