VPN super unlimited proxy - Download & review

Criszy Parry

It’s not a secret that VPN Super unlimited proxy is currently one of the best VPN to ever hit the market and got sold out immediately. Do you understand what am trying to say? If not then here we go…

It simply means that it recently got release and people are loving it already. Not being sell to the people, it’s just a scenario.

VPN Super unlimited proxy

According to the research done by our team from online available resources. And through getting in touch with VPN Super representative.

Brief start of this article 

We have managed to get enough information about how users can effectively use it with less or no difficulties at all.

And we’re are going to share with you everything we have interpreted from the research carried out by our team. Some far and what we decided as a team to share with you the users.

Just to follow with the above paragraph about VPN super unlimited proxy being release recently.

It means that it’s still relatively new on space and it’s already achieving goals, reaching milestone and taking rewards. Compared to the time it have been existing and available to the public.

VPN super unlimited proxy was release on google play store on April 5th, 2020. And as for the time of writing this article in 2022.

This app has already managed to put up some big hard to believe numbers for a new VPN app like it.

Just to keep it realistic, VPN super is already having over 50,000,000 users around the world estimates.

These source for these statistics is not bias or estimations, it’s a realtime downloads numbers from google play store.

There is a lot to be explain about VPN super and we have it all. But due to time for our readers we would go that long way.

Instead we’ll pick some most important part to talk about. And leave the rest for another day hopefully we’ll get to write another another article.

About this adorable VPN app as time pass by to update you about the new unlocked potentials on VPN super unlimited proxy.

What is VPN super unlimited proxy?

VPN super is a 100% free proxy virtual private network app that serves all free. Unlimited bandwidth speed with security and privacy protection.

It also help with security on a public hotspot WiFi by turning public wifi hotspot in to a private internet for you as long you’re connect to it.

More like creating another network on another network with a full security if that makes sense. But yes, that’s how it’s suppose to be said regarding this case.

I remember I saw something related to this statement on VPN super description page.

It’s technically on one of the best free VPN app. So, far according to how to manage to do so many things at once and never crash.

I personally read a lot of review about this very same app on the main stream downloading platform which is Google Play Store.

More information to follow up with VPN Super

And it’s mind-blowing how most people don’t have any objections neither suggestions about the app rather than appreciating the app.

Because most people out of 600,000+ people have very positive reviews. About the VPN super with a 5 stars rating at the estimate percentage of 92%.

While the 4 stars rating is estimated at 2%, 3 stars rating at 2%, 2 stars rating at 2%. And finally 1 star rating at 2% bringing the whole total to desirable percentage of 100%.

Which way too massive as the whole calculations finalized its rating on 4.6/5. And this is consider to be one of the excellent performance on google play store.

To make such we’re all familiar with the VPN super unlimited proxy I’ll have to take you on another path of it explanation.

Where by VPN super is regards to be “one of the world’s fastest secure virtual private network”.

And this comes around when we noticed that in the description of super VPN on google play store.

Details regarding this VPN

There is a phrase that says download and enjoy the world’s fastest secure virtual private network. If I can remember but yes you can check it and tell me in the comments section below.

But how was this prove? this is a good question we were also wondering like you before we found out the truth.

We instead of believing in other words form any resource online. We went on to carry out out research on the said topic about VPN super.

Here is what we did, we reached out to some like 10 – 20 their via email asking them. “If the considered VPN super unlimited proxy to the the world’s fastest secure virtual private network”.

And they most answers we got from these users were… “Yes, it’s definitely one of the world’s fastest secure virtual private network. If not the if not the world’s fastest secure virtual private network”.

So, we came to conclusion that VPN Super is actually one of the fastest secure virtual private network.

Does VPN super unlimited proxy work

Yes, VPN super does work. Like bro what do you mean if it does work huh? well let me just guess you want to know how it works or whatever.

If you just wanted to know if this VPN works or not. Then the answer is only one and simple to be understand by literally anyone.

Even the kids can hear and understand this. VPN super unlimited proxy does work really well.

what if I said. I think it’s makes some sense more if you have been on TikTok. Where there is a common saying if “if you don’t get it, forget about it.

And it’s what it’s. I mean what I mean”. Now reflection back to VPN super, this might all super irrelevant. But the point is non of my words or articles are bias or sarcasm.

Even though TECHY INCOME have a team that sometimes help with the research work and maybe contents writing.

It’s important you get to know that the authors on this website is only one. Which goes by name Criszy known as the CEO and founder of TECHY INCOME platform.

Hence everything on this website is all credited to him as everything on this website is verified. By him before posting it to the world so do VPN super includes.

Notice: As I always mention in my article that everything covered on this blog post is not affiliated with any of the respective source.

No affiliation in this article!


Neither do we get sponsor by these VPNs or whatever we write about. It’s all for independent research carry out by the team Techy Income.

Is VPN super unlimited proxy free

Yes, it’s a free VPN that provides benefits to users by simply using it. It’s free as it considered not bunch of everything and later fails to fulfilled all of them.

Instead VPN super just put only three (3) things into their consideration. And do the best on providing their chosen features of consideration then any other free VPN I know.

The other thing you would consider about VPN super unlimited proxy at the side of price tag category. Is that up to now I never see any advert inducing users on the internet.

To purchase the so called premium version of the VPN app like most VPN on the internet. For which even if you actually purchase the premium version it’s always almost no difference between the free and the paid.

Hence bringing us to the conclusion that VPN super is more likely to be brands. As free VPN making it one of the leading VPN app in the free VPN industry.

If this VPN super is free, where do they get fund from?

Like what’s their benefits for all the hard work the injected into making this app standout.

On a top floor of the industry making it a best app to millions on millions of people if not the best app for all the 10 million users?

Well, the answer to this is tricky for people who really never bother to know about the ads policies.

But I’m pretty sure that many readers reading this article do know one or two about the ads. Which are also displays on almost every app you visit everyday.

Here is where they get fund from;

VPN Super team that tirelessly work everyday to make sure that millions of users are satisfy with their services. On a goodwill while they get the fund from the ads revenue.

Yes you heard it right. The VPN super unlimited proxy app developers get paid through the ads displayed on the app.

Meaning that you the user who does not pay any sort of subscription. To be your contribution to the services that you use everyday.

You only get to contribute to the app by being active on the app where you view several ads. At times, and as you view the ads, the VPN super developers are getting cheque of payment by the advertisers.

Also read: What is Daily VPN and how to use it for daily internet freedom

Is VPN super unlimited proxy safe

Just to keep it brief, the answer is yes super VPN is a lot safe then you know it. I’ll explain more below.

Well, you have to know about this before you even think about using it in your device.

At least you have to had thought about this one which reading this whole thing starting from the first sentence above.

But if you happen to haven’t thought about this so far. Then also cool maybe you would have thought about it later, just maybe.

The problem now come when you don’t even bother to even seek for information about the safety of the app just like VPN super.

Not to be rude, but this means you’re being unreasonably ignorant. To the fact that you could be putting your online freedom on stake.

So I urges you to always, always! Look out for VPN app or other app safety safe rating or guilds before your permit it to run in your device.

Back to the safety of VPN super unlimited proxy. This app is rated to be one of the safest VPN app in the free VPN industry comprised with the guidelines.

That are follow by the team of developers to insures the users safety while connect to the app.

Some of the important guidelines that the VPN super runs along are;

  1. Never requiring users to register in order to get access to the app.
  1. Insuring that no logs if the users is kept in a normal app functioning.

Even though though are the mostly information ways to assures the users, about the safety while on VPN super unlimited proxy.

There is one thing to also understand about how your collect information is use, in case your info is collects.

Indeed your information is collected by VPN super only one condition. Which is when you’re experiencing some difficulties in your connection.

Like getting disconnected and connected again and again over time.

At this point your device usage is detected to be in unstable connection status by VPN

Super system hence forcing them to keep logs of that particular time in order to solve the problem your experiencing.

And also apply the same measures they took to improve your connection status on the entire app as a way of improving the users experience.

Meaning that the information they collects about you is literally nothing serious but stuff like when this disconnection problem started.

What were you doing at that time which caused the crashes in your connection. Mostly what website which you trying to access by then. Because this is how then happened to unblock sites and app on the internet.

Let’s take example of Netflix, VPN super unlimited proxy unblocks all Netflix contents regardless where the users are located in the world.

Because they have multiple servers from different countries which do all the works for the users.

Is VPN super unlimited proxy safe for reddit

Yes it’s 100% safe to use for accessing any news or type of contents on Reddit platform.

This is another question I always see concerning the safety issue.

And the answer I can give here will just be a reference from the above topic.

Which is talking about the general safety of VPN super unlimited proxy.

As we have to see and fully understand as explained that VPN Super is not one of the VPN app which will ever have to worry about.

As far as safety is concerned since it has it own ways of tackling the insecurities that could occurred before they even happen.

This is the true definition of the “prevention is better than cure”. VPN super unlimited proxy practice the strict measure that keeps millions of users are the world shield in a safe zone.

By not obligating users to create account on the app as a way it would have collected over 10,000,000 email which contains people information.

This brings us back to the question “Is VPN Super unlimited proxy safe for reddit?” and the simple answer is yes.

VPN super is safe to used in reddit as its main features can be safe to use on any platform anywhere on earth.

Is VPN super unlimited proxy good?

Yes, it’s super good to using especially when you cares and value your online safety, security and privacy protection.

That is just how good it is. If you’re a curious type of of person like me you’d be curious to know more.

And that’s why I let you have it all on the this whole article. So, I recommend you to take your time to go through it all and get the whole info of how good it’s.

What is VPN super unlimited use for? (What does VPN super unlimited proxy do?)

It’s used for securing your internet connection and privacy protection with the help of the one the fastest internet speed possible I’m the world.

This VPN does a lot of things regarding the fact that it does the it helps with security and privacy protection. The following are other things that is used for and what it does;

Unblock sites.

This is used for allowing users to access any contents online regradless the geo-restrictions policies. That are brought by some sort of licensing issues on certain particular contents. Or territorial security that that doesn’t allowed outsiders to access to them.

Public WiFi security.

This is used for turning your connection on a public hotspot WiFi into a private network (WiFi).

And this one of the biggest turn on to the people who are hardly at home.

Those people who are always moving from place running after the goals of their business success.

Where one could be now in the the work place where there are bunch of coworkers using the very same service as you then in short right.

From there you’re in a certain Cafe hosting some business meeting with one of your big cheque partner or client.

Basically public wifi hotspot security is one of the reasons why you need VPN super unlimited proxy then any other VPN which says to does the same.

Because it’s a bit different on here as it’s considered to among the three main priorities.

Unlimited bandwidth, unlimited data and unlimited up time.

This is used for what it seem like. I mean you can literally see through that VPN Super provides users with unlimited data and bandwidth concluded what the unlimited time (uptime).

Meaning that on this app this is nothing like downtime to worry about whereas your your endorsed will no data limit as it bandwidth.

By being a user on the app meaning that all VPN Super unlimited proxy are special and treated like ones.

I mean do you even know how many people are outside here hustling for free internet?

If you ask me I’d tell you there are tons of people on google, YouTube and telegram searching for ways. Ways to get unlimited data bandwidth to stay connected the whole day in and out.

And it’s getting expensive to subscribe for monthly billing of it internet varying from the cost of living in different countries.

Because sometimes the country maybe consider as struggling with the economy as there maybe no jobs to compensate the living expenses but still rising price high even on internet provision by internet providers

Which makes it hard for people to coop up with as internet is out day to day life in today world.

This is why VPN super made is easy for everyone to have access to unlimited data for free of charge.

Notice about the unlimited data: This is not guaranteed to anyone because it all depends on your countries local ISPs policies and restrictions.



Numerous servers with high-speed bandwidth.

This is used for giving users variety of options to choose from. For instance let’s say you’re in United kingdom.

And you want to have access to Netflix United States which may be restricted in United kingdom because of some licensing reason.

All you’d have to do in order get into United States Netflix platform is to simply turn on your simple download VPN super and get connected.

Just like that the VPN will handle the rest for you as your enjoying your contents. This is why it very important to have variety of servers on the VPN service.

As it avails users with options to choose from depending on what contents and when the contents they would like to consume are.

Because you can’t be in United kingdom using United kingdom servers on the VPN and expect to get be allowed to have access to united States Netflix video content restricted for United kingdom resident. And this is the reason which VPN super unlimited proxy provides many servers to meet your need.

How to use VPN super unlimited proxy (Settings)

This is the simplest settings for a free VPN unlike the premium/paid VPN which came fully set-up.

The following are the steps you need to take in order to use VPN super.

  1. Open your google play store
  2. Search for VPN Super unlimited bandwidth
  3. Download it and install it
  4. Open it
  5. Make sure your WiFi or Mobile is on
  6. Tap on auto mode or choose the mode of your choice (only if you know what you’re doing)
  7. Click on the button in the middle.
  8. Use the services now and enjoy your connection.

Download VPN Super unlimited proxy

Android >>> Download

iOS >>> Download

PC >>> In order to download VPN Super unlimited proxy, you have follow the following steps.

  1. Download the Memu Play emulator to your PC
  2. Install and launch it
  3. At the home screen, look for the Google Play Store icon
  4. Click on it and sign in
  5. Search for VPN super unlimited proxy and download it.
  6. Install it and launch it to use for free.

In conclusion.

VPN Super work pretty well, safe to use and free to use.

Check it out and try it out.

Leave your thoughts in the comments section below I’ll make sure to reply back as soon as I see you comments.

To get in touch with us, you’re highly welcome to join us on Telegram and YouTube.

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