GreenNet VPN - Download iOS, android, PC | review

Criszy Parry

Before I even started to say anything about the said topic, I want to be honest as much as possible. About this article of GreenNet VPN as I want to make this article a lot briefer, all on point.

GreenNet VPN ever green!!!

I will have to start with, if you don’t know GreenNet VPN before then that’s absolutely fine. Because it’s actually not a mainstream VPN in general.

Neither is it mainstream on free VPN industry comprise of some top notch VPNs. Like Droid VPN, wire tun, Outline VPN among others.

This means that it’s not that popular and I’m still wondering how come that GreenNet VPN is not as popular as the mentioned above free VPN industry leading apps.

When we can see number are high and even even higher than others popping VPN app today.

I mean it’s harder for me to believe why is there literally almost no one talk about GreenNet VPN. On the internet like are you guys just going sleep on this beautiful app.

Just like that despite having over 10,000,000 users as in downloads across the world? But I just realized that there is always changes in taste and preference of products as time goes on.

What is GreenNet VPN?

We have to define it, for you or someone who have no clue about what GreenNet VPN is.

Because I believe many of my daily reader have high chance in percentage of knowing nothing about this app because I brought from a gone wave.

I have made a research about a little more from the higher experts in the market online and offline. And I told that the reason why I didn’t know much GreenNet VPN was…

Because I wasn’t seeking or asked much about the VPN world. As I was told that all the numbers of download on the app were real legit.

Also authentic and I was finding it hard to believe how miserable GreenNet lost all the clouds leading to it downfall.

Definition of this VPN

GreenNet is a free virtual private network with a secure proxy that protect and provide internet security.

There are benefits that you would never want to say no to. If anyone is proposing these genuinely without ego or string attached in a technical world.

1. Hiding your real IP address on GreenVPN

GreenNet VPN don’t want you to bring your internet beef to home. Because they cares about you and your safety as one of the loyal users.

I personally appreciate the team GreenNet for all the effort the put to programming this app. In the best interest of the ordinary users to knows nothing about how tech gets.

I don’t know about you but for me I would never be comfortable doing my important stuff. While my IP address is wide expose to the atmospheric pressure full of mask me.

2. Encrypted data on GreenVPN.

This is the feature of the GreenNet VPN that is responsible for shielding your online activities. Activities like calls, chats, searches and many more.

All hearing these examples I expected you to definitely pick up something about this whole sentence.

It’s even hard like I’m subjecting you to some crazy mathematics calculations. In front of the class when your crush is there starring.

Well, the pick ups in this above is to embrace and value the fact. Someone somewhere is rooting for your internet security.

Like no other and this is why it’s important to be to give thankful for everything in a life.

And the good thing is that this article was written on a Thanksgiving day. I’m feeling so grateful for sharing my time with you… As written article takes a lot of time especially when you’re sleepy.

Unlocking all contents online play store.

This is what it meant to have an internet freedom where there is no way to go. Missing out on your favorite series on Netflix or any other platform.

This typically makes you a ninja leading to hoop from here to there. Either way around we no restrictions and the VPN does all the hard work.

Are you wondering how are you in Australia for instance and get to stream the content which was restrict from your accessing.

This is conduct by swiping the IP address of the users from the the initial IP address. To the fake address generated by the GreenNet VPN system.

And that’s the way you can easily finesse the content holding platform detective system. Where by your IP address appears is going to appear to be one of the local resident. Hence allowing you to get access to the content which you wanted to have access to.

Also read: How is VPN super unlimited proxy the best free VPN in 2023

Is GreenNet VPN free?

Just from some paragraph above there, it tells about the price of the GreenNet VPN indirect by telling us that GreenNet VPN is free.

So, the answer here is that the GreenNet VPN is a free VPN and paid VPN meaning there is only two versions. Versions on GreenNet VPN which is both versions and only version with premium version.

I guess this why it blew up at the first place back in in 2019 to 2020 before it lose the hyped. When a lot of new free VPN hit the market such of ha tunnel VPN and others.

Carrying the free internet industry on the peak from 2021 to 2022 as we’re already in 2023. Hopefully these VPNs will get bigger as new one are coming in.

So, in conclusion if the GreenNet internet is a free VPN or paid VPN. Is obvious and you should know it by now.

More information on GreenVPN

Just in case you didn’t pick anything relating to answer this question. I’ll have to affirm it to you that it’s a 100% free VPN. It’s technically a free and paid version only if you want to, as I said it above.

And here I hope we came to an end of this question. So, we’ll have to move on to discuss and provide solid answer for other important questions about GreenNet VPN.

I think I should remind if what we do and the purpose for the existence of TECHY INCOME Website. And all of our outlets platforms making us more like a company or organization.

Instead of sending you to read about us page it would be time consuming but that’s the best way to know more about us.

I will still have a mention a small part of our mission and intention of our existence. We a team of committed tech pros and halfway tech learners who are dedicated to improvement the online space.

For everyone by providing information about in the tech field such as free VPN industry. As other tech related field like online money making opportunity and review on different services online.


GreenNet VPN APK

There are multiple numbers of GreenNet VPN APK online. But upon downloading an APK on any website there are some things that you’ll have to consider before downloading it.

What are these things and why should I consider them instead of just downloading the app I came on the website to download?

Good question the answer is simple. The answer to all that is about your security and protection. It’s all for your own good.

Can you explain more about that please “someone maybe ask”. Okay, cool why I said it’s for security and protection is…

Because these APK app are not from a reliable source. Hence you can’t trust an app with unknown intention and just go ahead and download it.

Details regarding the above heading

Meaning that these apps and being provided by third parties affiliates sometimes (you never know).

And when you downloaded them into your device, your required to allow the app to have permission. To bunch of things in your device which makes these app very suspicious at times.

The whole point of talking about the security and protection is that your device permission can get you into big losses as these APK are not trust.

They may still your resorted into stealing your valuable information like bank information. And other important personal information which are supposed to be secret from the world.

But this doesn’t mean that you should not download GreenNet VPN APK because there are some of APK which are reliable.

And never had trust issues with people like the APKPure website as it has been around for quite long. How long have APKPure website been around?

I can’t tell but you can check the domain duration like to see when was their domain register.

Where should I the reliable VPN app with no worries of my privacy protection and security? The answer is the same as I usually recommended to check out APKPure website.

GreenNet VPN mod APK.

This one is way too similar to the above topic which is GreenNet VPN APK. Only the difference here is that it’s modded from word “mod” in the statement.

But what is the difference between the mod APK and APK? The difference is that APK is more like the normal the official app.

You might find on the main downloading platform like play store for Android and app store for iOS iPhone and iPad.

The mod APK is technically more like a recreated version of the official app. Because it’s own unauthorized by others developers.

Who just copy the whole app with it concepts then continue to add more features to it sometimes or just change the appearance in term of design.

Download APK here >>> Download

GreenNet VPN for PC

I hope I mentioned this above that GreenNet VPN is for all devices. Hence it’s available for all devices including android, iOS PC (Mac app store). This is one of the things I like about I like about this app.

It’s not even something to struggle looking for on the internet like dealing with bunch of APK from site to site.

No this is all in a easiest and safest way to acquire it. You get this app on you MacBook straight from the GreenNet website.

The only thing I noticed why would be a problem to PC users is that I couldn’t figured out the download point of windows.

Because on the official website of GreenNet VPN there is only three downloading option for respectively three devices and these devices are:

Android – Google play store
iOS (iPhone, iPad) – App store
PC (MacBook) – App Mac

So for that case I would advise you to just look for another app that serves the same cake (purpose). And features Like Tomato VPN, Outline VPN, Yoga VPN.

And many more. But still you can literally check out other possible means to access GreenNet VPN.

Here >>> Download

GreenNet VPN for iOS

This has to be a question about a lot of VPN by a lot of iPhone users because a lot of these VPN are program mostly for android devices hence neglecting the iOS devices.

The fact that iPhone users also need the same keep of protection. And security as being avails to android users by most of VPN

Push them to always seek for information on google to give them the way around to into these safe zone like on GreenNet VPN.

As for the matter of GreenNet VPN, you don’t need to worry about being hassle by the need of, because GreenNet VPN has made it possible for you to simply get it on app store as you can see on their website.

Here >>> Download 

In conclusion

GreenNet VPN is a 5 stars type of VPN as its actually rating on google play store is currently 4.6 stars. It’s so convince and easy to use with both free and paid version which all works really well for their respective purposes.

So I urges you to check it out on any downloading platform and give it a trial the let me know in the comments below or on our telegram.

In case you have any questions, corrections, suggestions or anything to say regarding this blog post then let us know in the comments and be assure of getting reply as soon as possible

Please you’re invited to join us on Telegram and YouTube.

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