How to use thunder VPN for all devices | review

Criszy Parry

Have you saw thunder VPN somewhere and you’re wondering how it’s used for securing internet for free and everything you heard about it so far?

If yes, then let our team of contents writing and our professional tech author. And CEO of TECHY INCOME give you an expert assistance.

With a guarantee of having a great time reading this article for absolutely zero dollars chargers.

Thunder VPN interface

Thunder VPN isn’t just any other random VPN, it’s actually of the legendary VPN. On this fast rising Free VPN industry as we also referred.

We refers a combination of free VPNs to be a Free VPN industry as a way to categorizing them.

Also due to the rising of some top notch free internet in big number also earned free VPN “industry” next to it.

If we’re to pay respects to some of the VPNs that laid foundation to this up and coming industry. It would be disrespectful to leave out thunder VPN for it contribution.

Just from our study and estimation of free free VPN industry, we could confidently report it to be worth $10,000,000. Or above in total accumulated profit generate through ads revenue.

Ads revenue? Yes, just like the most free VPNs, thunder VPN also do displays ads on the app as a way of… Covering up the expenses involved in making name of the brand stick on the rising.

Which proofs that the app is on the right track as it has be keeping it steady from a while now since it released. I never saw any sign of falling off in thunder.

What is thunder VPN?

Thunder VPN is unlimited high-speed lightning fast app that serves tons of free VPN service worldwide.

We had to come up with our own definition instead of doing copy and paste work like many others websites on google.

The initial definition from play store is slightly different from the one we have. And that’s what we called professionalism highly empathize by our beloved CEO.

To also be different, authentic and original not just for thunder VPN or contents writing but in everything we do in life.

Hope it makes sense to and you may apply it in your life somehow.
To get fully get to understand what something is really about.

Can be tricky and hard at times to get it right from outside the circle until you get involve.

So, for you to understand everything about thunder VPN without getting involve in using it is not actually impossible.

But your theory understanding would never match the understanding of someone. Who got involve in a practical use of thunder VPN, it’s just a slight difference but huge.

But as I said above it’s not impossible for you to get to understand how thunder VPN works.

Because we’re going to break down some many important facts. About the app which is from the features of the app and many more.

Thunder VPN features

As you already heard above that thunder VPN isn’t a newbie in this industry. You can easily tell that it has all the features you expect. n a good good or let’s say on the excellent VPN (your favorite VPN)

The following some of the features that cemented thunder VPN Legacy on the internet entirely…

  1. Many servers with high-speed bandwidth
  2. Option select the apps in your phone to be covered by thunder VPN. But to access this feature you’re android device must be at least 5.0
  3. Ability to work hand in hand with all mobile data carriers which is comprised of its all. From the button to the top (3G, 4G/LTE, 5G, WiFi)
  4. Policy of not keeping users logs
  5. Automatic system that choose the fastest fastest server
  6. Few ads with well design UI on the app
  7. No limited time or usage limit
  8. No hard settings need like configuration or registration.
  9. No hidden obligated permission
  10. Guarantee high performance

Does thunder VPN works

Yes, thunder VPN does the work, it works everyday, I can’t even think of a time when thunder stopped working.

Really? Yes, because it never stopped working before. And hopefully it will never stop working as it’s getting bigger and bigger everyday.

Again, it doesn’t work even better probably then your current primary VPN. if this is like a genuine question.

I would be also way too genuine to answer this question even further with a realistic evidence. Of its functionality across the website as it’s working worldwide.

I remember reading some statistics of the most used VPN in Uganda 2021 when Uganda’s telecommunication companies. Were urge by the government to cut the subscription of OTT bundles.

To stop people from accessing social media platform such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and WhatsApp.

As a result of the national election process which was going on at times as these caused a lot of online political riots everywhere on the internet.

People where strand, those who have nothing to do with politic were affect too. And the only way for them to get over this

Was to seek VPN help and the VPN we was keeping the highest number of people in Uganda online was thunder VPN.

If am lying, anyone from Uganda reading this article can testify in the comments section below. Please if you’re in Uganda, Let the world know about your experience.

With thunder VPN. Tell the world how thunder VPN revive the internet access in Uganda during the period of 2021 up to early 2022.

Also read: Why is VPN Super unlimited proxy the best and 5X bigger than thunder VPN 

What is the work of thunder VPN

The work of thunder is just the same as work of your current primary VPN. Or maybe thunder is highly is performance.

Well it all depends on what VPN you’re using, you could be using a paid VPN. And still be having the same benefits as for the who is using thunder VPN.

The information determine all the success in the world. Just like you can’t compare the number of successful people who never attained the information formal education.

With the number of successful people who attained the information from formal education like those who went to school.

They get to always hear about the guidelines and discipline one must have in order to qualify for successful life.

The exact same thing is apply here regarding thunder VPN and other VPNs. There is no way you can get the best part of the internet.

If you in a cycle without getting the information about what and where is the best part of the internet VPN.

In details about Thunder VPN

So, this is not just a theory about the alien or whatsoever, this is about you, him, her and me.

You’re using the VPN you’re using today because if the information you got about it. And I’m using the VPN I’m using today if the information I got about it.

Don’t worry how come that I also have to get the information about the VPN. When I’m the CEO of this Techy Income technology more related website.

It’s normal because I admit it, that I never developed any VPN app before.

Hopefully I’ll get to develop one anytime. So the only difference between me and you in this space. Is that I do a deep research right from the developers.

To the mere users like you before I bring everything together. o make sense about any VPN I have ever write about in this website.

Enough of all that talking, let’s jump right into the 3 most important feature of thunder VPN.

Thunder VPN do allowed you to access internet connection securely and anonymously.

This means that you’re insure of a better experience full of security and anonymity. To keep a in ninja costume where nobody can figure out. Who on earth you’re on the net while you’re doing your thing.

I don’t think that I have to even explain anything about this. I mean who doesn’t know about the beauties and the peaceful surfing and browsing on the web.

Gets when you’re grant with security when nobody stand a chance to take a bit of the cake you have been baking.

If you’re someone who work online and get up everyday to grind so hard on your computer. In whichever field of business you’re dealing in online.

I’m 100% sure that you would never any bad luck to come across you hard work.

Same thing about anonymity, you know very well why being anonymous is so important. If you have been active on some real online money making world.

Not just someone from WhatsApp or Facebook sharing memes whole day long.

People don’t like to see nobody excelling in his/her grind. Not just people like winners but the losers who prefers to see everybody losing with them.

This is why be anonymous is so important to me. I hope you also get to see having a good VPN like thunder VPN can save you from such troubles.

Encryption of you internet connection.

This why what saves you from the third parties which are outside wilding all over the internet.

They keep gathering information about the users online everyday, people fall victims. When they are not encrypts by service that actually does the job right like thunder VPN.

Why do I say “by the service the actually does the job right”? It’s because of the fact that not a lot of people have of what really goes on behind the scene of the bunch of so called free VPNs.

Not to shade on free VPNs but just for the seek of truth I’ll have to say some of these VPN barely do a half of what the claims to do.

Meaning some of these free VPNs don’t actually don’t actually protection your data as much as you think.

Some of these VPNs are just after their goals more likely money so in order to make as much money as possible they are force by that ego.

To highly talk big of themselves hence attractive many innocent users to download the their app and start getting some crazy amount of money from the ads revenue.

As I made myself so clear that “some” not all. As for these mess up VPNs, thunder VPN is not one of them.

This is like a homework gives to you to figure out what are these VPNs who branched into deceiving users.

I mean I would mention them here but we have to keep it somehow privacy as we’re doing a whole different contents review here.

So, we may writing an article about such VPNs some other time to expose them.

3. Provisions of inbuilt worldwide VPN service.

This is what gives us an alternative to choose from the available servers from different countries in the world.

Thunder VPN acquires and give us the best servers on earth from the variety of top tier countries in technology. The countries included are;

USA, Canada, France, Singapore, Australia, Germany, Japan, Luxembourg, Isreal, Poland, Brasil, Mexico just mention few because the list is too long.

Not just do they provides servers from different the top world countries in term of strong internet services.

But they also look into a bigger picture where you may be connect to these top countries servers. And still get stuck in the traffic on your way to attaining stable internet.

Also read: How to use VPN 360 to protect your presence online

Due to a heavy traffic on some of these servers for them being some if the best servers is world.

This problem was spot from far sometimes back and later on the app. Developers came up with the solution to problem in most congestion online areas where heavy traffic could app it convenient.

the areas online with a heavy traffic and such of;
Netflix – United States
Netflix – Hong Kong
Prime Video – United States (East and West)
Hulu – United States
BBC iPlayer – United kingdom
HBO Max – United States

The above and just few I have think of, the list is long, you’ll find out more on thunder VPN.

Is thunder VPN safe

Jokingly I would say no but I’m not joking here so I’ll have to keep fact with you and the answer is yes.

Just to repeat it again the question was “is the thunder VPN safe?” and the answer is “YES”.

If I said yes, I mean yes. Thunder VPN is very safe which I can rate from scale of 1/10 in safety I can simply rate it 10/10 with no hesitation.

I mean you have seen even so far how everything works on thunder VPN.

There is no any VPN which is not safe and getting rate 5/5 on google play store. So you can’t tell me thunder VPN is not safe with scoring the needful 5/5.

Wait! what? did some just said that thunder VPN is rated 5/5 on google play store? If that is your question then yes I did!

Explanation? Here we go… Do you remember back in school, we were taught about rounding off? We were told to never leave any number hanging.

Where we’re told to always round numbers to the nearest numbers. There one only two ways round to do this.

When the number is 4 and below, you’re urged to round off to the nearest number below whereas if the is 5 and above, you’re told to round off to the nearest number above. LoL I’m now teaching math.

In this case of thunder VPN rating on google play store, you can see from the screen below that 4.6 stars by the time of writing this article.

Meaning that you’re round off 6 to the nearest number above and that’s 5. So the answer became 4.6 (^) equals to 5 making it 5/5 in rating according to the math work.

Is thunder VPN legit?

Yes it’s. I don’t even know what you think about about while asking this question. Okay I get it it makes be about the premium payment of thunder VPN.

If that is the case the I don’t have to work about it. This is not just any random VPN app, it’s one of the most reliable VPN I have have used. Meaning thunder is far from scam.

One may encounter some problem with the payment or the connection of premium version but that’s all cool they happen everywhere on online.

And offline but it’s always solved when you file your complain appropriately to the customer support team.

I can assured of getting the best supports from the thunder VPN customer care in case you ever encountered any difficulties.

Is thunder VPN a free VPN or paid VPN?

Someone maybe find it hard wrapped his/her head around this whole thing of talking about free then later switch up to premium. I understand, you don’t need to stress out about non of these, I’ll explain.

The general answer for this question is Yes, for both. Meaning that thunder VPN can be used as a free VPN with zero dollars chargers.

And can also be used as paid VPN where you pays according to your capacity which I’m going to you its prices but first let see the value meaning the features to pay for.

Here are VIP features on thunder VPN;

     1.Worldwide location (servers all around            the world

  1. By restrictions making all contents accessible to you.
  2. Streaming servers which allows you to stream on any platform anytime you want such as Netflix.
  3. Faster speed you get the fastest speed out of the premium version compared to the free version

The below are the prices plans;

Weekly plan – US$5.99/week

Monthly plan – US$9.99/month

Yearly plan – US$4.99/monthly >> Discount offer of 50% off from US$119.88 to US$59.99

What are the difference between the free version and paid version?

The screenshot shows all the difference between the both version of thunder VPN.

Does thunder VPN works on Netflix?

According to the above table in the screenshot it’s very clear that thunder VPN works on Netflix only on the paid version.

Does thunder VPN keep logs

No thunder VPN have no intention of having anything to do you your online activities so the prioritize users privacy hence complying to not keeping users logs.

In conclusion

Thunder VPN is such a VPN that doesn’t even need to br recommended to someone who has heard everything about like you who just read everything about it.
So it’s all up to you if you would give trial and just move on to look for another VPN.

In case you have any questions, suggestions, advise or any kind of question you’re highly welcome to leave a comment below and I’ll make sure to reply to you as soon as I see you comments.

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